Maybe looking at the following to replace my Magico S-5 MK 1

I am looking at these three possible speakers as replacements for my Magicos.

Gauder Acoustic Cassiano
Gamut RSi5
Marten Django XL

Does anybody have any input on any of these please?

I was reading the Duette 2s were redesigned to only work best against the wall whereas the 1s were more flexible?
I am using Aurender N100H as source
WW Platinum 7 USB cable
PS Audio Direct Stream Dac
Siltech XLR Classic 770i
Oasis S-200 monos (200W Class A)
Silnote Speaker cables-all copper-had AQ Redwood-too bright for Magicos
All power cables are Art Audio except for Aurender PAD Aquila
Two twenty amp dedicated lines-10AWG wire-same phase -Oyaide R1
I live around Hilton Head, South Carolina
In addition, I added an Allnic L3000 pre to the system for several weeks.
It was used and so broken in.  Did not improve the system, but did no harm either.  Sent it back.  I thought a tube pre would soften it just a little or give it some bloom.
Listen, I'm no expert, I don't know what you like, I don't know your room, etc. You should listen to a trusted dealer and learn from their mistakes. They readily share their knowledge and if it is withing your means, you might consider therre is real value that many of them add. Find the speakers you like and work backward from there. The Allnic stuff is nice but it is hardly the "traditional" tube sound you may have been trying to introduce. What led you to believe the Allnic would be a great fit for your source and your amps? As for the Wilson Duette series 1 and series 2's and any other speakers you may be considering, go listen. I found the series 1's to be very nice. I had them out into the room and never seriously tried them against the wall but if you were to listen side by side, you would likely understand how the series 2's just sound more complete, more seamless with the driver integration. If you grew up on the watt/puppy sound, the duette 2's and sabrinas dont sound like they were built by the same company, at least not to me. Also, the series 2's close to the wall fill out the deeper bass nicely but out from the wall its not like they suffer materially. Good luck, identify your speakers and be open minded that even though you have purchased alot of fine equipment and cables, you have introduced so many wildly different variables to the equation that you may never sort it out by guessing what to buy by long distance. Also, a tough question we must all ask ourselves from time to time: are you a music lover or an equipment lover? What if you went for a demo, heard some speakers that sounded exquisite only to discover that during your demo they were driven by a single box....would you be ok with that? Some on these forums would not...they want racks of black boxes, lots of wires suspended on elaborate miniature trapezes made by former lute makers, rituals, which camp are you in and which would get you closer to what you are looking for....I'm ok with simplicity that sounds amazing rather than eye candy that does not. Again, the most important disclaimer: I like what I like and only you can determine what is right for you but objectively speaking, if you would like to get off the merry-go-round, make a plan and stick to it. good luck.
Have to admit I'm a little shocked here if I have this right.  You run the PS DAC directly into your amps right?  Then you insert an $11,000 very highly-regarded tubed preamp and you basically hear no difference?  I'm sure you heard what you heard and I know every system is different, but damn I'm really scratching my head over this one. 

That aside, some speakers I've heard that are detailed but maybe a bit less analytical sounding than the S5s are Rockport, Nola, Verity, ProAc, Vandersteen, Joseph Audio, Sonus Faber, Martin Logan.  Also, you may want to explore speakers that employ the Raal ribbon tweeter -- the speakers I've heard with it are very detailed but incredibly refined and sweet sounding, which may appeal to your tastes.  Anyway, just some thoughts to possibly explore FWIW, and best of luck in your search.