MC demagnetizer, how many use one, any concerns?

I have just purchased a benz demagnetizer to use with my ruby 2 and wonder if anyone has heard of concerns of negative effects. Are you all happy with its effects? One friend suggested that once you do it you must do it quitefrequently or the sound is worse off. I don't understand why that should be. But look for any theoretical or practical thoughts. Many thanks
Hi, I've never demagnetized a cartridge in over 35 years and haven't experienced anything that would lead me to believe I needed to. I don't have a clue as to whether such a device is needed or if it's another dose of snake oil. Then again, maybe I've been missing something. My gut says it's just so much BS. Let us know what your experience is.
I use a Kisiki de mag on my Koetsu Rosewood, just as I did with my (previous) Benz Ruby 2.

Moving coil cartridges do not require treatment as frequently as moving magnet designs. No more than 20 seconds of de magnetism every two to three months is sufficient.

As to requiring demagnetizing more frequently after having done it once?

There is a change in the tonal balance, dynamics and staging of a Benz and Koetsu immediately after demagnetizing. This is followed by several days of waiting for the cartridge to break in or "settle" to best sound again.

Perhaps your friend does not like waiting through this interim period and prefers the sound of his cartridge having been recently de magnetized. This may prompt him to continually repeat the process.

When I had a Benz Ruby 2, there was a time when I got caught up in the frequent demagnetizing. The high frequencies are soft and diffuse immediately after treatment and as with all settling in periods, the sound immediately after that is not as comfortable. Waiting a bit longer will net you sound as it was when new and fully broken in.
I've had similar experiences to Albert. Right after the demag it's a little on the harsh or edgy side. After a very short while (like only a couple of albums) it's back to a more relaxed yet (and I can't prove this next statement) more detailed than before demag.