MC demagnetizer, how many use one, any concerns?

I have just purchased a benz demagnetizer to use with my ruby 2 and wonder if anyone has heard of concerns of negative effects. Are you all happy with its effects? One friend suggested that once you do it you must do it quitefrequently or the sound is worse off. I don't understand why that should be. But look for any theoretical or practical thoughts. Many thanks
..and, from Albert: "Waiting a bit longer will net you sound as it was when new and fully broken in."
YES, but "Waiting a bit longer will net you sound as it was when new and fully broken in" seems to imply that demagging makes the sound "worse" for a while, but that it returns to "broken in" quality with some time. So, what's the point?

It stills seems to me that the statement, "waiting for the cartridge to break in or 'settle' to best sound again," with AGAIN being the operative word, is hardly a great recommendation.

I have never used this procedure, so I can't speak to it. But were I thinking about trying it, there is nothing here that would convince me.

RIVES...about your last sentence: you said "I can't prove this next statement."

I'm not trying to be difficult or beligerent...just trying to get more information!
Cpdunn99, I will go out on a limb and speak for others who may have meant to infer that the "rebreakin" consists of a few LP sides of play, not on the order of a few dozen hours as might be the case with a new pickup. But, hey, if you are happy with the Goldring and find no need to demag, just enjoy. Why worry? :-)
Cpdunn, if you are concerned with momentary loss of performance in order to reach a goal of excellent performance after a short break in period, I suggest you not clean interconnects, speaker wires or ever shut down any of your gear.

There is no free ride with this, same as the rest of life in general. I don't see what the problem is. Do a little work, suffer with slightly poorer sound for a very short while, reward is significantly better sound for the next few months. What's to think about?