McCormack DNA-1 or DNA-1 deluxe?

I am looking for a new amp and see several forums which speak highly of McCormack DNA-1 amps. In the used market the average price for a DNA-1 appears to be in the $600-$650 range. The deluxe is going for around $750-$800. Question? Is there enough difference in the sound quality to justify the extra $150-$200 for the Deluxe version?

If I went with a standard DNA-1 now what are my options to upgrade later? Does McCormack offer an upgrade package? How much?
Jedi1, you have an excellent amp. When the time permits you should get a Revision B done. The McCormack DNA-1 with Revision B is one of the finest sounding amps I have ever heard & owned. I miss it terribly but recently was able to aquire a McCormack 0.5 Revision A, an excellent amp as well.
Thanks for the responses, friends. Here is a bit of additional background information...

The “Deluxe” upgrade program started with the DNA-1, and consisted of replacing a selected set of parts with higher-performance, more expensive parts for improved performance. In the case of the DNA-1, the RCA jacks and speaker terminals were upgraded to Cardas, and several critical resistors were upgraded to Vishay and Caddock. The regulated power supply rectifier diodes were replaced with soft-recovery units from Harris, and the output wiring was upgraded to Van den Hul. These changes resulted in a nice performance enhancement at a very reasonable cost. The “Deluxe” program proved to be so popular that we extended it to include most of the products produced at McCormack Audio.

Some people have wondered why I didn’t simply make one model with the improved specs. The original reason is simple – I wanted to bring the DNA-1 to market at under $2000. This was very difficult to do while achieving my performance goals, and would have been impossible with the added “Deluxe” parts cost. Setting-up the Deluxe program separately allowed me to offer improved performance while still giving the customer the choice of a lower-cost model. This option was carried-over to many of our other products, and proved to be popular there, as well.

Further information about upgrade options is available on my website -

Best regards,

Steve McCormack
If you're going to buy a McCormack, as good as they are stock, I would greatly recommend getting a modded one (Rev A or better if you can find it). The differences are astounding. Just one of the best amps you can find anywhere. Period.
