Mccormack DNA125, Conrad Johnson MF2250 or AVA Ome

I am going to upgrade to a new amp, to match with an Audio Van Alstine transcendence 7 SL hybrid preamp and Dynaudio Contour 1.3 SE speakers (4 ohm - 86 db).
I have three elections, within 1.700 $ budget in Spain:
- McCormack DNA125 for 1.695 $
- Conrad Johnson MF2250, 1.800 $
- Audio Van Alstine OmegaStar 260hc, 1.800 aprox.
I doubt which one would suit best with this gear and be smoother and more neutral.
Can anyone help me?
Have you listened to it?
For the same price there are the Odyssey Stratos Dual mono, 180W monoblock.
Whichever amp you choose to go with should be able to deliver as much power as possible into lower impedances. Dynaudio speaker systems are big-time power suckers and need gobs of power to work best. Sean
I agree with Sean about the 1.3s. Great sound but at the expenses of your amp. You need power. The CJ should be the better option.