MDF Rack dampening question

Hello all,
I'm using a 4 shelf MDF rack that has hollow alum metal columns, and plastic looking (may be silicone) footers. Floor is porcelain tile. There's lots of empty space between the shelves.

I feel vibration on my equipment while listening to music and I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to help eliminate this (short of replacing the rack)

Some ideas I am kicking around are listed, wondering if you have tried and if it made any difference.

Fill hollow metal columns with sand
Changing footers to brass spikes
Dampening material under each shelf (Dynamat Extreme or another) which would also block EMF between shelves
Mounting each piece of equipment on butcher block w vibrapods (or similar)

The MDF itself is on the verge of providing to much damping,all that saw dust and glue. I once had a Michael Green stand which came with steel all thread rods that made the shelfs adjustable. Replacing the steel with brass made for a dramatic improvement in stage and dynamics,the rods where grounded/coupled with Audipoints. As Stan suggested I would not shut your system down with the use of sand or lead shot. Steel or brass bearings would be much better but costly. The kitty litter maybe the best value. I would fill the tubes only 1/3 at a time and then listen to the same familar recording at the same volume level, adding more each time until you hear the stage dynamics begin to shut down...and then stop. You may not get to fill the rods to the top. You will hear a difference with each additional pour. Tom
I filled the vertical tubular columns with sand. They used to ding like a bell when tapped, now it's a thud.

The shelves are relatively thin, and transmit vibrations easily. I'm going to try some dampening sheets under each (Dynamat Extreme)

How can I tell if the shelves are MDF or particle board? They're completely painted smooth flat black. How does that make a difference in my strategy?

I see many put their equipment on top of butcher block or other thick wood platforms with some isolators (cones, etc.)

StudioTech hf-4

Just looked at the specs, says its medium density fiber board.

Wondering how much a low end rack is really affecting the sound..