Mephisto II, Sim Moon Eclipse How do they compare?

I'm curious, What are your thought's on these two players? I am looking to get a dedicated CD player (currently using a Pioneer DVD player). I want something High End, but I don't want to have to spend $6000-$8000 to get something either. So for this reason I have been looking at used players. The two that really caught my eye are the Sim Moon Eclipse, and Audiomeca Mephisto II. How do these players stack up? What are your thoughts? Any input will be most appreciated.
Gator get the Sim or Guido from North Jersey is gonna come southwest and he will not be in a good mood.

Man, all this talk about Bose, Mattel, and 8 tracks has really got me wanting to join this elite club of yours and Brians. Where can I sign up. I don't have Bose or Mattel (I can get em'), but I do think I have an vintage 8 track laying around somewhere :) It'll be like a retro flashback to the 70's. Groovy man!

Thanks for the laughs Frank, It's great!

My my, to what do we owe this honor? Just when I thought you had fallen off the face of the earth.... Good to hear from you. And you can tell Guido to forget about coming to the southwest because the Sim is currently in the lead. So get a grip :)

I think both players are tops. So I think that it will be a win win situation either way you go. I also have thought about getting one of these fine players myself (currently use a Sony XA-20ES). Good Luck!