Metal or Fabric Dome tweeter

I am looking at many different speakers and notice there are different opinions as to which is better. Any comments would be appreciated.
I absolutely HATE the Focal tweeters. Be they Ti, TiO2, or Kevlar. To me, they are the most irritating things I have EVER listened to. They even make EL34 based tube amps shrill to my ears(and THAT is an accomplishment!). Of course, others like them. Just look at the highly regarded speakers that use them. And before anyone says I am anti-Focal, I LOVE their mids, woofers, and accessories(caps, connectors, wire, etc.).
I concur with Trelja on Focal. My opinion is, that it doesn't matter how any of us feel on this, it's how Bohemian feels, after he learns to listen for himself.
Having said the above, I'll step back from it somewhat to clarify my own expereinces and thoughts......For one thing, the Revelator is a Scanspeak, not a Vifa. I own a pair, and feel that they have the best combination of speed, smoothness, and dynamic contrast. That said, the Morel MDT 33 is nearly as good overall, is more dynamic (much stronger motor with only a tad more mms)), and costs much less (I own a pair of those too). And having said that, the Vifa top of the line (used in the large Sony audiophile series, and by Joseph Audio for a time), are an extremely good value, as well...................For me to personally compare the Revelators with, say, the Focal tweeters in the Watt Puppy 5.1 that I heard: I would say that the Focals sound like a sparklingly fast/detailed metal dome tweeter that can smooth out somewhat, at longer listening distances...and the Revelator sounds like no tweeter at all. Sounds like the best full range esl panels, but without the plastic overhang evident in the decay of fast transients that cannot be avoided with any esl panel IMHO, WHEN played at louder levels. A full range esl would likely have the edge over any dome speaker at very quiet levels, but with the Revelator, that edge could be so small that you'd never miss it, IMHO. That is, IF you have a room that is acoustically treated correctly. If you don't, it matters much less what type of speaker you choose, IMO, since you won't be getting the most out of it anyway.
Excellent points Carl. My favorite tweeters mirror yours. ScanSpeak(esp. Revelator), Dynaudio, Morel, Seas, and Vifa. Most of Morel products are replicas of Dynaudio, but with much lower prices.
I own speakers that utilize(modified) Focal kevlar tweeter! And i found no evidence of , complaints, mentioned above! However, the company that build this speaker, no longer uses this teeeter model., but, the "Relevator" 9300! The users found this tweeter to be somewhat "thinner" sounding, and is suggested to be "toned" down, by additional resistor of aprox. 1/2 ohm! The extended highs, of the Relavator, you'll find, it is not the greatest thing, in conjugtion with some amps. Also, my favorite speakers from Tyler Acoustics (which i think are as good as Proac's, or better)exusively uses the "Relevators"! In addition, what tweeter B@W uses? Metal, of course!