Mid life audio crisis


As the title says I seem to be going through a mid-life audio crisis and I would like some advice.

Here goes: In recent years I have upgraded, changed and tweaked my system until I have arrived at the following:

* Audio Aero Capitole CDP;
* Joule Electra LA 150MkII preamp;
* Dave Berning ZH-270 amp;
* Merlin VSM speakers;
* Cardas Gold Ref speaker cable & interconnects.

As you will see I have spent quite a few $$$$s on this system and I've been considering changing my ZH-270 for a pair of valve mono blocks over the last few months to help me get some more bottom end slam from my speakers.

Recently I bought a Steve Nugent modified Benchmark DAC1 and started to play digital music from my Mac. I was amazed at the sound quality from this combination and I considered selling my CDP. I have not sold my CDP yet but I suspect it will be only matter of time, as I think the modified DAC1 is better than my CDP and I have burned all my CDs to hard disk and use this more than my CDP.

I have never really got on that well with my Merlin speakers. Now please don't shoot me for saying this, all you Merlin fans, but they don't quite have the 'grunt' and energy that I like, perhaps they are true audiophile and too refined. I love transparency and sounstage, which they do well, but I also love bottom end slam that they don't do that well in my view.

The performance of the DAC1 has started me thinking and looking at 'pro' audio/studio gear and a week ago I got to listen to a tiny pear of active PMC AML1 speakers, that are powered by Byrston amps. This was fed by a Larvy DAC/Mac and nothing else but XLR cables - a real simple system that sounded amazing, but just lacked some bottom end slam, but had lots of transparency!

PMC recommend a sub with their AML1 speakers and I have worked out I could have my DAC1 > Bryston crossover to sort out the sub and active monitors. A really simple system that will probably halt me upgrading.

So what do I do? Keep my current system or go the active monitor + sub and DAC fed by a Mac.

Any thoughts?


This was fed by a Larvy DAC/Mac and nothing else but XLR cables - a real simple system that sounded amazing, but just lacked some bottom end slam, but had lots of transparency!

If you like dynamics and energy then active is a good way to go. You may get used to tight pro sound bass - it takes a while - initially you think the bass is not there compared to usual fare - until you realize that instead of heavy bass on every track you sometimes get it and sometimes don't - all depends on the mix.

One thing I can say for high energy dynamic sound is that it is really exhilarating - every time you listen - the effect does not wear off. Basically modest volume nice sounding systems are everywhere - in your luxury cars, most headphones, even cheap audioengine PC speakers sound pretty good these days - however speakers that really rock and turn a home listening session into a "live performance" are in a whole other league. It will put "fun" back into your listening sessions.

The kicker or downside is that if you like this "grunt" high energy sound it is going to cost you a fair bit for a decent sub - cause you will need a really good sub to keep up. Think JL F113 or SVS PB12 or HSU VTF-3 Mk II - check the HT Shack Subwoofer tests to see how they rate subs - get something with high output, low distortion and low group delay and obviously something you like the sound of with your choice of speakers. You may also find room modes more of an issue if you get the bass really clean and extremely powerful - think bass trapping may be needed.

As far as the mid life crisis - perhaps you might also check out your local Harley-Davidson dealer?h for you.
Welcome to the dark side! Computer based (noiseless/fanless) music servers are an extraordinary value and are quite convenient, with 1 caveat I will list at the end of this post.

I have a setup similar to what you describe in my second system and was so enamored by the sound quality that I began to implement a similar philosophy into my main system.

My second system is (soon to be was) Apple iMac feeding a benchmark DAC1 feeding the PMC AML1. It is in a medium sized room (15 x 18) and has PLENTY of bass. These little speakers can really get the job done. Extraordinary actually. I liked the convenience so much that I was not listening to my main system as much so I decided to implement the convenience into my main system. I like to keep things simple and I'd rather not have to tweak to find satisfaction. I now enjoy my main system (iMac feeding a McIntosh MDA1000 into a McIntosh MC275 with Sonus Faber Amati speakers, Kubala-Sosna cables) with the iMac as the source that I am selling the second system.

As far as the Bryston xover you mentioned, you may want to try it without it at first to see if you can accomplish your goals without the extra cables and hardware. The dac1's rca and xlr outputs are both active so you could run the sub from the rcas and the PMCs from the xlrs, using the volume on both the sub and the monitors to balance out.

Me, I would set the pmc's up in your room, play with placement a bit and let the transmission lines do their thing. You may be VERY surprised...properly placed they reach well into the low 30s and you may discover there may be no need for a sub. Good luck and enjoy yourself, it is a fun setup.

The caveat....I enjoyed flipping records when I got into this hobby a few decades ago, the CD changed that ritual which I discovered that I sortof missed. Now with the computer....its gone! Maybe hang on to your cd player, run it into your DAC1 and then you will be able to have the interaction with the music, besides when friends bring over their music, I don't want to burn it to my computer (bad copyright Karma). Regards.