Mid-priced warm sounding DAC?

I've recently decided that a good route for me to take is upgrading my system with a good DAC. My current system is a bit bright sounding, so I'm looking for a good DAC costing up to $600 (used) that will provide a smooth, warm sound to match my currently bright system. I'd also like the DAC to be capable of upsampling, although if necessary I could add an upsampler to the digital chain at a later time. My preference would be to have it built-in, however.

Any suggestions?
x2 Ritrau's recommendation of the NM24. Warm as advertised and very very flexible -- give you both SS and tube DAC optionss, plus a decent preamp stage which you can use, or not.
Hey Ritrau and Soundgasm

Thanks a lot for the suggestion and recommendations for the Monarcy Audio NM24. Normally I'm really hesitant to buy an all-in-one type of component but man oh man just doing some quick checks on the MA website and this forum the NM24 is the real deal. I like having the ability to choose b/w both the Tube and SS DAC. I have more research to do.

Thanks again.
Wow a 5 year old thread of mine. My how my system has changed since I posted this. But as for your question, I've got a PS Audio Digital Link III which I find to be pretty smooth sounding. I don't know if I'd call it overly warm, but it does have a very engaging sound to it.

I have owned the Monarchy M-24 for a few years. It's a great DAC, and the preamp section ain't bad either should you choose to use it.

Thanks Dave for the input.

Man do I have a lot of thinking to do. I've found an NM24 for little over $1100 but I'm really attached to my McCormack TLC-1 Deluxe Preamp and don't want to part with it. I can't justify to myself (yet) paying for the NM24 and having the TLC-1 Deluxe too when the NM24 can work as a preamp too.

Thanks again.