Might try a tube preamp

I’ve been toying with the idea of giving tubes a try and thought I would start with a tube preamp running to my SS amp and see how I liked it.    

After reading reviews and looking through some of the posts here on Audiogon I’ve been thinking of a LTA micro ZOTL or rogue audio RP-7 - each around $5k.   Thoughts on these?  

Or would I be better off looking for something else used here on Audiogon?  Maybe a ARC Ref 5 or LS-28?  I’m pretty new to tubes so am open to options.

I have this tube pre-amp in my system and it is one of the best ones I have heard and for a price that cant be beat. Give the guy a call and discuss what you need. He can build anything you might need into it.

My system *finally* all came together when I added the PS Audio BHK Signature Preamp. It has a tube input stage and MOSFET output. It is very “tubey” sounding, to my ears, anyway. I love the warmth and cohesiveness it brings. My amps are PSA BHK monos (also tube hybrid), so they are very well matched impedance-wise. The preamp has HT passthru capability which was a major selling point for me. I have become a huge fan of PS Audio gear. 
Since your amplifier is integrated and there doesn't appear to be a direct input to the power amp section, I don't see how a preamp tube or solid state would help.
But the amp does have a set of balanced inputs and seems to be internally balanced, so a balanced tube preamp would be a nice option as it could minimize the effect of interconnect cables on the sound. And as others have mentioned, our MP-3 preamp is such a beast and actually supports the balanced standard. The used ones here on Audiogon would be a good place to start if you go that route. Like your amp, the MP-3 is fully differential and balanced with zero feedback and a minimal signal path.

I just took delivery of the Schiit Freya. $699. My mentor warned me of a solid 24/7 five day break-in period of near unlistenability (made up) so I cannot say yet if I will keep it. (14 day trial)

Other considerations for me were :

1. Audible Illusions  New $4700, Used $2500
2. EAR 868 . New $7,500 Used if you find one would be about $4,000.

Since you are new to the tube world, the trial period offer may be the way  to go.

The Linear Tube MicroZotl 2 is very good and is actually only about $2,000 new with external power supply. Linear Tube has come out with a dedicated preamp which Terry London of Home Theater review has gone nuts for and is $4500. All the other posters on the thread have given you excellent alternatives.