Mismatched preamp and CD player?

My system is Adcom GTP-500, GFA-555 and MMGs. An Onix XCD-88 and Denon DCM-280 take care of the CD side.

I cannot turn the volume on the preamp above 8 o’clock comfortably and 9 o’clock drives me from the room (7 o'clock is full off with 5 o'clock full on) . The problem is much more noticable on the Onix than the Denon, but neither is desirable. Research suggests this is due to a mismatch of the CD player output level and the preamp input sensitivity. How can I confirm this is the case, and what can I do about it if true? Are there other causes I should be looking into?

Thanks in advance for your responses.
Too much system gain!
Get rid of the active preamp, and get one of these for $49.
You can still use the tuner, just come out of the tape out into the Schiit Sys passive preamp. Your system may very well sound better with it.

Cheers George

Thanks for the quick response.  Looks like the right solution, but I need some education if you can.

What is likely causing too much system gain?  This gear has been used together before (not the MMGs but other Maggies) and I don't recall the problem.

With the SYS, it looks like I can use both CD players (the Denon is a 5 CD player for lazy listening).  If I only use one of the CD players (the XCD-88) could I somehow use the phono stage of the Adcom GTP-500?

Thanks again



Thanks for the solution. Do those go between the CD player and the preamp or between preamp and amp?
