Mockery of Audiophiles

I enjoy the diaglog on this site as much as anyone however does anyone out there remember a Steve Martin routine on the issue of Audio 'quest for perfect sound'?

It started with him aquiring a 'stereo' then he upgrades to a 'quadrophonic' system. Finally his quest for speaker upgrades ends in a 'Gogolphonic' system. He then questions if it might be the needle! and opts for a moonrock needle over the typical 'diamond' needle. His conclusion? Great for the car but wouldn't want it int he house!

If any of you know where this could be obtained even in a MP3 or other electronic format I would love to get a copy.

Thanks in advance.
Thank you Hammy!  We need more informative posts like this one on Agon that help doubters to understand that cable technology involves very real science and that properly designed cable provide very real performance increases over the average stuff.  Deny it all you want cable doubters(you're making ME laugh), millions of audio enthusiast across the globe already know better.

BTW...Steve Martin is a musician, audiophile, AND comedic genius!
I can see your point through your veil of sarcasm mward.  Is there a rule against reviving old threads here on Audiogon?  Just curious???

You're absolutely right, it was an overly sarcastic and rude post on my part. I apologize. The old posts are some of the best, and I enjoy it when they are revived.