Modification Nightmares

I believe people have been modifying their equipment long enough to tell us who is worth it and who is not.People should be aware of all policies and all the fine print.I dont think some of these guys realize it takes the aveage person months to save up $2000 or more.
Hi there.

I would classify "modders" into 2 groups:

1. Low-tech: primarily changes the parts
2. High-tech: re-clocks, adds a tube output stage etc...

As you can guess, the skill and end result, sonic performance is most likely greater with 2. than 1.
As a modder, the first thing I tell people is if you are not happy with what you have, upgradding or modifying it will not turn in into something it's not.

I also recommend people spend some time with a product in stock form before investing in what can be expensive mods.

Modifications/upgrades can usually bring out more of the hidden potential a unit has.
My issue with modding is simple-shipping and having my product in modders care, custody and control.

Not worth the hassle to me. Once my gear gets in my sound room safely - it stays there.

Insurance in shipping is very difficult to recover after a loss-ACV (actual cash value-value is depreciated, etc-and tough to just plain collect). And, never seen a modder offer to give customer a certificate of insurance showing they are covering component fully while on thier premises. If they did have coverage, it would still suffer depreciation. Imagine having an MR78, cost new - a few hundred dollars - value today maybe a grand and 20 years old. You would receive the original cost less 20 years worth of depreciation.

Just my thoughts.
well on the May 24 wknd i sent a Marantz DV-9600(new)aross the boader for a mod and got it back 6wks later not working....i did not send it back for the modders warranty because i lost trust due to email accusations.
It is thanks giving here in ontario and I still have no player.....
Mclsound, if a company offers a warranty I wouldn't think they could do anything but either have it fixed or fix it themselves especially if the warranty is in writing somewhere. I had a shipping issue on a modified unit which turned into a transport replacement. Took a little time but it was taken care of in the end. Your player not working for this long also does not make sense. I know I would have taken it to a shop somewhere and had someone at least see what the problem may be.
Why not explain what the problem is and maybe someone here could help you? Does it power on? Are the settings all correct? Sound in one channel? No analog,digital,video? Is there any other reason why you would not take it to a repair center? 3 months is a long time to have a unit sitting there and wondering what to do.
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