Monitor Audio Studio 20SE vs. GR20 or GR60

Anybody could compare the famous MA Studio 20SE with the new Gold Reference series.
Many years ago I listened the Studio 20 and they are fantastic.
I want to buy MA speakers, but unfortunally I couldn´t find the Studio 20SE, so I can´t compare them with the new GR20 and GR60.
Please let me know your opinions and if you could listen both series.
I have a pair of Studio 20se's, a pair of Studio 60's, and I've listened to

Studio 20se's are fantastic two way speakers.

What they do, they do amazingly well.

GR60's are a much larger speaker with more drivers, etc.

You can often find the GR60's used for around $2,500.

You can often find Studio 20se's used for around $1,000.

Not really fair to compare these two.

If you have the budget and a big enough room, go for the GR 60's.

Studio 60's went for around $12,000.

You virtually never see a used pair of Studio 60's for sale.

No one seems to want to part with them, including me.

If you ever see a pair of Studio 60's for sale -- grab 'em!

Since that isn't likely to happen, go for the GR 60's.
Although the Studio 60's retailed for much more than the GR60's, and I've never heard the Studio 60's, the reviews I read seemed to indicate that the GR60's actually are an improvement over the Studio 60's. In fact, you can upgrade the Studio 60's with drivers from the GR60, which some might have done since the Studio 60's had a nicer appearance than ghe GR60's. Buy the way, I find my pair if GR60's for $1,850 (perfect condition) right here on Audiogon.
>>the reviews I read seemed to indicate that the GR60's actually are an improvement over the Studio 60's.<<

I read one review like that, but I do not agree. The GR 60's are nice speakers, but not in the same class as the Studio 60's. Monitor Audio did offer a package upgrade so you could put the GR60 drivers into the Studio 60. Interesting idea, but I would be reluctant to do that. The GR 60's have a different sound, do not image as well, do not have the top and bottom extension, the silky highs, do not completely disappear like the Studio 60's and the Studio 60's are more coherent. This is based on my ears and my taste, but I have e-mailed with several other Studio 60 owners who feel the same way I do.

The Studio 60's retailed for $12,000.

GR 60's retail for about $4,000.

IMO, there is no comparison between these speakers.

They are different entities.

Finally, this may or may not tell you something, but iit must be pointed out:

Every day on A'Gon, you will find two or three pairs of used GR 60's for sale.

I have been watching A'Gon for years and years and have never seen a pair
of used Studio 60's for sale.

Tells me two things --- a lot of people buy GR 60's.

No one ever sells a pair of Studio 60's.

This is not to degrade GR 60's. They are competitive with anything In their price niche and anyone shopping in that price range should put them on their list of speakers to audition.

Studio 60's should be compared to much more expenive speakers, which is what I did before I bought them.
Studio 20's are a very musical, well imaging speaker that are considered a standard by many. The GR series is designed to play louder, sell for less and is tailored more for home theater use. Two different design concepts, in my opinion. I love the sound of the Studio series but the GR's are no slouch either. Studio 60's are my favorite speaker of all and the 20's are right below them.
Just curious: Can anyone weigh in on how the newer GS series compares to the GR? Thanks.