Monitors for $1500-$2000 with NAD320BEE Integrated

I'm using a pair of Triangle Titus speakers which I like very much but I'll be ready soon to upgrade to even better sounding speakers. I doubt if I'll upgrade my integrated amp which is rated at 50wpc. Your recommendations? Many thanks...
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vmps 626...if you dont have to have monitors, the ohm micro walsh, or the klipsch heresy.
Carbon 7s from Fritz ( If you search for "fritz" here you'll get some good feedback.
Wait for used Harbeth 7es-3, or smaller harbeths if your room is small. If your going new, try the new line (imagine series) from PSB, they are very good, and not much $$$. I have heard several and the Floorstander for 1200.00 with an NAD int. was impressive.