Monoblocks with lots of bottom end?

Hi, everyone
I am in the market for a pair of monoblocks with lots of power & bottom end. Any suggestion? I am looking at Bryston 7BST or SST or the Simaudio W-10. I am using a BAT VK-30 tube preamp & Magnepan 3.6r speakers. I have heard "Galant Divas system in virtual system" and was very impressed with his setup. He was using Musical fidelity kW (1000w @ 8ohm) monoblocks. I have never heard so much bass from a ribbon speaker (Scintillas). I am trying to mirror his system without selling off my mortgage. Any suggestion would be welcome & consider. Thanks in advance for your input. By the way, my current amplifier is Simaudio Aurora 7ch (200w/ch @ 8ohm, 400w/ch @4ohm). I am bi-amping by using 4 channels from the amp. Two channels are driving the tweeters & 2 channels are driving the bass panels. Thanks
One problem...even if you had the Musical Fidelity KW's, the Maggie 3.6's are not even close to a pair of Scintilla in any area of sound reproduction?...your mirror will be hand held in scale.

You could save money by simply buying a pair of Apogees...all the large Apogees are fullrange.

The three best amps I have ever experienced from the standpoint of dynamics, power reserve and superb bottom end are:

VTL 750
Audio Research Ref 600 Mk2
Tube Research GT 400

Of these, the VTL is the most reliable and the best buy financially.

Used, the VTL can be bought from $8000.00 to $9800.00 the pair and offer 600 to 750 watts per channel, depending on load.
Are your maggies fuse protected ? I know someone with a pair and say the blow fuses pretty easy witha older Aragon amp. Seems like it be a waste of $$$ for big juice with that sort of problem unless of course you have the fuses bypassed. I saw a pair for sale with the fuses bypassed on here.