Moon I-3 and Totem Forest?

I would like to buy the Totem Forest and the Simaudio Moon I-3 100w. Do you think that the I-3 have enough power to drive the Forest?
I'm a little overkill on what I think the Forests like. True, they're not the Mani-2's, but they're also not super-efficient. The i-3 would be fine, and would have just enough power. Is it the last word in an integrated for the forests, no? But it's a good start.

The i-5, at 70 watts, would be too lean IMO.

Good luck!
my i3 powers my dyn 1.3 se,s just fine,no lack of sofistication her mimberman said,the last word?its a great sounding int,sim rep recomended that over the i5 because efficiancy,forest are easy as i recall..imhoooo!