More recordings like "The Trinity Sessions"?

Apparently the group just set up and began to play and record. Are there more examples other than concerts that were made this way? I'm aware that at one time that was the way it was done but am asking about more recent recordings.
You may want to try Sarah McLaughlin "freedom sessions"

Just played the lp tonight, spacious palpable acoustics
You're probably aware of this, but CJ did an anniversary edition of Trinity, with help from Vic Chesnut and others. Not sure of production details.

If what draws to Trinity is the high quality single mike recording, you might try stuff from Chesky, such as Valerie Joyce's New York Blue (she has a spacy sort of voice which is a bit like Margo Timmons).

I a different genre, Heartworn Highways is a nice, unadorned recording of various Texas types, includiding CJ hero Towns Van Zandt.
Per John's reference to SQ:

If that's what you're after, pass on the Rundgren stuff. Not good. I assumed that you were more focused on the live/spontaneous feel of the performances.


PS and OT


I got hold of 2 Cow's WAOB. Great call, thanx. You might check out the Canadian band called "Jr. Gone Wild". Very much of a piece with WAOB.
Forgot to paste the Jr Gone Wild link

CD called Simple Little Wish
Thanks Marty, I picked up one of the 3 Jr Gone Wild discs they had on the 'Zon.

We should have a Canadoan band thread!
