Most "Musical" speakers

Need input or opinion on what are the most "musical" speakers in the $3000-$5000 range.... Are so-called "musical" speakers less accurate??
Musical does not necessarily mean less accurate. I think that a speaker is musical when it can reach to your emotions, make you connect with the music. With a musical system you stop analyzing the sound and you concentrate on the performance instead. In the price range you mentioned I would seriously consider any model from Sonus Faber - in my opinion some of the most musical speakers one can get.
Do you want a smaller monitor, or a full size floor stander? Also, conventional cone drivers or electrostats/planers?

I believe the most musical speaker is one that is forgotten. You suddenly realize you are listening to the artist and the speaker has disappeared. Reference 3A DeCapos do this.
If you have the room. The Magnepan 3.6 is amazing in this range. It is many peoples favorite speaker at any price, but it is large (though flat)and power hungry.