Most overpriced audio component made

Are all audio components overpriced? It seems when I try to trade in a used piece that I paid 2000 for and I'm offered 175, I wonder if I paid too much in the first place.
I can stand to but a few good interconnects and speaker cable I kinda think is ok but how much can a $2000 power cable really have over a $50 one. In my opinion as long as the contacts are clean, the wire is thick, and the power gets to the component my power cables task is done.
Cables are a huge rip off.They make a huge difference and good cables are a must.To get the best out of your system you need great cables.You just dont have to pay the stupid mark ups of the big guys.MIT,NORDST are some of the biggest rip offs around.A properly designed interconnect and one that does justice to high end grar can be sold for 300.00 and the mfg and dealer can still make a good living.I have been fourtunate enough to have tried not purchased many of the high dollar Cables in the marketplace.MIT NORDOST are pure junk.Most 200/300 are far supperior to any thing they make a whatever price points.Wireworld make probably the best cables out thier when you take sound not price into account.Just recently a friend who has a state of the art system which has been evolving over the past 20 years has replaced his Wireworld Gold Eclipse III interconnects which where the best interconnect he had heard at any price with a 299.00 pair of intercoonects.The 299.00 interconnects use every material and sound construction technique required in building a good cable.I have been builing my own for years and have read all the DIY books.This 299.00 cable is built to the highest specs.It is pure proof that you dont have to spend huge money.The difference between this 299.00 cable andd the 2000.00 is the MFG is happy to make an honest living and not rip off the public with the help of the Audio press.One thing is for sure not one reviwer would ever agree to do a blind test with any cable.They would be revealled as the frauds that they are. The cable I speak of is MFG by Coincident Speaker Technology.
Case04: if you don't know, don't say. Cables have a "70-80% mark up". Really? On what planet, because it's not this one! Dealers are lucky to make 20% on cables and often less on components and speakers. "70-80%"? What, you know of someone that paid full retail and then added a tip to the total?! Yes, cables are overpriced, some more than others, but you should keep your assumptions and misconceptions to yourself (importers and distributors don't even that that kind of pricing!)
It is correct that the markup on electronics is not very high(10 - 25%). However, speakers are 100%. By that I mean a speaker that listed for $2500, a dealer bought for about half of that. Can't comment on the markup on cables as I don't know. While I see cables as being very important, I have to say they are without question the biggest ripoff in audio. How much does it cost to make a $1000, 1 meter interconnect? In many cases, no more than Radio Shack sells(NOT pays for) their 1 meter junk. 22 gauge, teflon insulated, 5 - 9's copper can be bought RETAIL(i.e., by us poor slobs) for 28 cents per foot. With wire, you are paying for advertising, etc., but most of all because you are WILLING to.
ICs, speaker cable, power cords head the list, but take a closer look at speakers and hardware. Much of the cost of many speakers is in cabinetry (particularly book-matched veneers) and custrom metal work on amps and preamps. It's all part of the marketing game. And we're all fair game. Then, of course, there's the tweak market, which is a ripoff of a higher order. Substitute yo-yos for mpingo discs, bricks and bicycle inner tubes for the other crap, and an assortment of o-rings, grommets and pointed objects from Lowe's for most of the point and puck sets and you've saved a bunch. Isn't it amazing what we'll allow ourselves to be suked into in this hobby? Good listening to all!