Most transparent power amp

Hi there,
i would love to hear what brand that you have experienced with transparent of sounding? The kind of transparent is similiar to solid state amp like Cello, Spectral, tube amp I would think is Counterpoint SA4.

My brothers upgraded Tenor amplifier amp $25 k range,which uses I believe small input  tubes as well as big Solid state power. Is probably the most musically involving amplifier I have heard .that being said preamp, digital or turntable, as well as cables and of course a Loudspeakers all contribute to the success of that amplifiers greatness .
my system sounds very respectable at just under $50k,but compared to my brothers $100k + system I can pick out things maybe lacking in my own system
when directly comparing to. My point is, your system is only as strong as its weakest link .
this will have people posting the most transparent amp they have, and not Thee most transparent, which by the way also depends on the rest...
Gryphon Mephisto
Coincident Franks/Dragons
Benchmark AHB2
Bryston are incredibly transparent, very good amps, but doesnt make them the best...
Benchmark AHB2 is the most transparent I've heard.  It supposedly has the lowest SNR/noise floor available.
I highly recommend the Bryston cubed series, choose the size that fits your setup and you can't beat the warrenty.
Hi Lawence,
There are some really good companies listed. Here are a few more suggestions that you may want to check out.

Rogue Audio - Tube - great solid build, best value for the money $$
Ypsilon Electronics - Tube - fantastic design, it will cost you $$$
Tidal - Solid State - "The Rolls Royce of High End Audio" $$$$$