Movie Software make HT a Waste of Resources?

This may be just me but how often after you seen the "cabon copy" explosion riddled movie trailer and said to yourself "God is this stuff stupid or what" and even worse.

As a music listener how long would we put up with consistently poor quality software that offends our intellect?

Seems to me that the movie industry thinks we are just stupid apes willing to buy anything the Hollywood Marketing guys/gals can regurgitate at us. Seriously, think about this next time you see a totally pointless plot but with your rerun "Take" 865.95 of bombs and flashes.

On the other hand where would Casablanca or Citizen Kane be without that great 7.1 sound :)?

I saw a bumper sticker a few years ago that read: "The more you know the less you need" . In the case of movies, maybe another sticker could read "The more you think the less you are willing spend in front of the screen watching carbon copies". Once in a while it is fun to watch a good boom boom if there is something to fill the space between the boom boomies such as Saving Private Ryan.

I am probably missing something here but why is home theatre worth ten's of thousands of dollars of our discretionary income?

Maybe that old song "In the year 2525 we will not need our minds, will not need our eyes...." was overly kind with respect to the date.


I had to respectfully laugh for quite a while upon reading the "summary" statement that our society is far from ideal offered as almost an excuse not to live an Examined Life vs the Unexamined Life (actually it is "Examined" by the media that tells us all we need to know. Why do people Examine the assumptions only after a traffic accident like 911 and ENRON?). So often that summary seems to make people feel good inside in some perverse way and make things right through the non-reflective self-answer: "Wow, we are all in this soup together so our collective ideas must be right!" Mike Tyson and variety of misfits have used the phrase "I am not perfect so....blah blah blah". Seeming to imply no one is perfect so we should not question the extent of our own imperfections as a person or as a society. Almost everywhere in the world outside of the US. People have the opinion like the other audiogoner presented above:

"The sad reality is that, for a substantial portion of the American public, crap is now the acceptable norm. One of my favorite entertainers was Steve Allen, a true Renaissance guy, who some years ago wrote a book about the "dumbing down" of America. What is happening in the American movie industry is but the unfortunate reflection of a poorly educated (in the full sense of the term) and relatively uncultured American population. The barbarians are no longer at the gate -- they now represent a significant influence in the U.S. population. Is it any wonder that the Islamic countries worry about cultural decay due to American influences?"

Most successful European Countries do not work as many hours because of some weird notion they have that "Time is more valuable than Things" (I think they got that idea from talking to some corpses:). In America you do not have Time for Things you buy because you are always working to buy them. Then when you get them they do not make you happy. So, with the assumption if you made more money you could buy even more expensive things which will make you happy since the cheaper ones did not, you go for next higher job which requires more Time so you have less Time for the things that cost more that still do not make you happy. So you go for the next higher job....blah blah.....".

Things change initially by being introduced to other points of view. How many movies that are widely distributed challenge us (challenge should not be bad word but somehow in US the media wants it that way)? Of that small select group of films that expand our view of the world how many would make a hill of beans of difference if you heard through a 4" TV speaker or $120,000 ATC System? Volume maybe is only necessary if what you have to say is not obvious without making it the only thing your brain can deal with because it overwealms all other senses.

I once heard that people need stronger spices in food as they grow older because their senses have dulled. Maybe that is the logic of Home Theatre?

Growth and wonder are prime ingredients in bringing excitement to life and the true value of youth. Whereas stagnation via a broken record of non-ideas is very dangerous and unhealthy. This is not a matter of litening up (another cliche excuse to go brain dead or asleep and focus on primal sports metaphors for making decisions in life). Rather this is about putting some high octane fuel into the engine of wonder: The Brain you own but that Media apparently is renting with right to purchase at the end of the lease.


PS: I think it does matter how much one spends on anything since it puts a cap on or eliminates other options including charity. In addition, there is more than a strong tendency to give a disproportional amount of time on things we over emphasize in our family budgets often far beyond our actual fulfillment or enjoyment of them.

:0 What an Insightful Real Life Concept!

By the way, doesn't it sound like a new Star Wars Sequel "The Axis of Evil"

North Korean goverment called US "The Empire of Evil" after being called "The Axis of Evil", which for sure reminds me of Star Wars Sequel.

Children exposed to these days media need extreme cares/attentions of their guardian, so that their brains can function when they grow up. Perhaps it'd be a way better, had they not been exposed to these at all. At least not until they establish some ability to be self aware.

For the grown-up, I think self-controlled exposure to media can be entertaining without too much damage. We all die :)
Actually much of the rest of planet already has joined the Amish compared to the US if you speak, Ellery911, from the perspective of not totally messing up the planet beyond what can be marginally sustainable(e.g., US Population has less than 5% of the population but uses 25% of worlds fossil fuel and more than that regarding rare resources) but if you speak from the standpoint of being shielded from the truth (again please see and related links for clarity) by the media the USA population are the Amish. PS: This is more than mildly interesting: I posted the same question under Preamps/amps section and the divergence of opinions between the two sections could hardly be greater. See
Having a background in film, there are many reasons films are made. Film is nothing more than the medium in which a particular message is sent, just like the internet is a medium for you to espouse your opinions or direct people to the I think it is the message contained in this medium, especially those that are from for-profit, Hollywood corporations that you are objecting to. But for every recycled 60's TV show turned into a movie, there are thoughtful projects that seek to expand one's intellect and get their messages out to a broader audience. Documentaries that can propell you from the relative confort of your sofa to the frontlines of war, famine and disease. In fact, one could argue without this medium, most people would be unaware of things outside of thier familiar surroundings or places they have visited. That said, there are movies made to advance one message, make people laugh, make people scared - to create a response. Some acheive this goal, others do not. I think you are selling the American people short who want to see these movies. They are no less stupid than people in Europe or Asia who line up to see the SAME films - only dubbed in their native languages! As far as obesity, greed, Enron, 9/11 or the supposed moral and spiritual superiority of the Islamic world (don't get me started there!) - I don't know what that has to do with the original statements you made. However, since we are lucky enough to live in a country that allows us the persuit of happiness, people who want to line up to buy Charlie's Angels' should be able to do so without judgement being passed on them. Just one man's opinion. Tony.