Music for toddlers and parents?

AS my daughter reached 20 months, she gets actively interested not only in switching my McIntosh-amps, but in listening to music, too. As the mother does rarely allow my former Mahler to ZZ Top-regime - what decent music is there that small children like, but will not let me want to hang myself, too?
Florian Hassel
Wide variety, of course. There's often classical on. But in addition, our little fellow loved (and we do too) Garcia and Grisman, "Not for Kids Only", Doc Watson "Songs for Litte Pickers, TMBG (mentioned in the last thread", the soundtrack to "Oh Brother, Where art Though?", "Yellow Submarine", and a Burl Ives kids collection, the name of which escapes me. Oh, also, he enjoyed "Hungry Freaks Daddy" and "Joe's garage" -- FZ.
Hi all,
thanks to all these recommendations, which will me make trying for weeks now. Actually, I was half joking about Mahler and ZZ Top. Mahler is, I think, indeed a bit heavvy, but my daughter loves ZZ Top - but my wife does not. We just started to listen to some Dan Zanes CDs- great music, I am amazed he is not more famous like Manu Chao. My taste is widespread already, so the child listens to Mozart, Neill Young, AC/DC, a lot of Beethoven, and jazz from Duke Ellington to Bud Powell. Still, most of the names all of you mentioned were new for me. Thanks a lot. the 'gon is indeed an amazing community.
Florian Hassel
Kenny Loggins Songs From The Wood was a huge favorite of my girls as toddlers. Then we hit them very young with Elton John, The Boss, Beatles, JT, Eagles, Croce, Bread, America and anything heavy on melody or a repeating chorus. do do do, and you don' mess aroun' with Jim" de de de...

Now, at 8 and 11 they are musicologists of a sort and favor Greg Brown Steve Earle, Lyle Lovett, Mozart, Brahms and other more accessible classical. Kids pick up on music like riding a bike. Now, music is a focus, TV an afterthought and they are taking piano and Violin lessons. There is to substitute for an early start with music. I had the headphones on either side of my pregnant wife's growing stomach an hour or two a night several times a week from 6-9 months. Crazy? Maybe ;-)
Samuel -
Ahh, don't you mean Jethro Tull "Songs From the Wood"
I CANNOT picture Kenny Loggins performing that album! Ha!