Music or Lyrics?

If you ask any "serious" (indie?) pop musician what's the most important aspect of their songs, I am sure they would most/all say: the lyrics. They spend so much time and effort on the words, and view this as "what they are saying," which is, to their mind, the reason for writing the song in the first place. (There was a piece by Suzanne Vega in the NY Times a couple of months back.)

But as listeners, what do we think?

For me, for most songs, the words are pretty much irrelevant. (In fact, I can't recite the full lyrics to any song, and can't even make them out on lots of the music I listen to.)

Instead, it's three things:

1. The musical hook

2. The *sound* of the voice(s)

3. The sound of the instrumentation.

In short, it's all about the music, and very little about the lyrics.

Or, to put it another way: I could imagine lots of different lyrics to many of the songs I love, and the song remains the same. But change the music? It becomes an entirely different song.

For example: Take any early passionate U2 anthem. Surely they could be written about other topics, while retaining the same music? Isn't it the music that makes the song compelling?

To be sure: With many/most great songs, we do sing along, and the words are part of our experience. But is it really their *meaning* that's important, or rather their *sound* in the context of the music as a whole? ---I think the latter, and the words could have been different and the song just as popular and compelling.

There are, I'm sure, some exceptions to this rule, where the words are absolutely crucial to making the song compelling. But not too many, I don't think.
There are also some examples of really good songs/music that have really bad lyrics that detract from the experience. It is not necessarily the voices, though that can also be part of the effect, but the just incongrousness of some of the lyrics that just to me at least don't go with the musical flow.
Music doesn't need lyrics any more than the words of Shakespeare needs to be put to music.

However, if a song tells a story, has good lyrics or is otherwise very poetic, it's a nice bonus to the music.

Even bad or strange lyrics can be a blast. I get the greatest kick out of "Rock Lobster" by the B-52's. It's such a fun song. And I find "Louie Louie" by The Kingsmen eternally endearing even if I don't have a clue what the singer is saying.
Jimjoyce25, Interesting comment you make. For me, it depends entirely on what music is playing. I've always thought Bob Dylan was never about the music. Similarly, for me Rush, Boston, and ELP were never about the lyrics. The Beatles were great and are still a great listen because they melded the two so well on so many albums.

I wonder if 'lyrics-above-all' people listen to opera (which I agree is better when you understand the words, but still nice when you don't), fado, bossa nova, etc. I don't understand but a few words of Portuguese, and almost nothing in fado, but I adore listening to it.
if its Joni Mitchel, Jimi Hendrix, Lou Reed or Tom Waits (all poets IMO) for instance, I listen to lyrics but in most cases I prefer not to have vocals at all. The sound of vocals is often intrusive for me...