My Morning Jacket / anyone seen a show ?

I am a pretty fan of MMJ the last two years. I really was crazy for Jim James solo album!!
They are playing indoors here in my town. I have heard they play insane concerts.
Your thoughts on them as I live band??
Thanks Loomis! Glossy MOR?? I'm listening to It Still Moves right now. I'm not sure how I missed this album. I must say that after the first three songs, I'm hooked on this album so far. l LOVE Z, and Circuital very much. I do enjoy Pop Rock or Alt. Rock, and Alt. Country. Thanks for the heads up on It Still Moves.
I'm curious if you found Jim James' last album as epic as I did ?
i certainly don't mean to dis anyone who enjoys their later records--i personally don't think the more polished, song-oriented format suits them well. if you're digging it still moves, i'd also check out "at dawn", which is rawer but equally great.
as for jj's solo record, i liked it, but thought, again, that his earthier country stuff is better the electronic/techno thing he's dabbling in. for that reason, i preferred the record he did with jay farrar, new multitudes, which is rethinks of woody guthrie songs and is really good. also, if you're on spotify, check out jj's "tribute", which is acoustic versions of george harrison songs and, i think, really exceptional.

Thanks for the recommendations. There is also a relatively new band from Athens called Futurebirds. They sound a lot like early MMJ using a pedal steel guitar and a lot of echo.
Loomis and Max, you should listen to Hiss Golden Messengers last album ,
called, Lateness of Dancers. It is fantastic!!!!
listened to futurebirds--they actually do sound more like mmj than current mmj does. the singer does a good jim james and the songs are there--thanks for the rec
also listened to lateness of dancers and likewise appreciate the rec. i've previously raved about his album "bad debt," which is just him and his guitar--it's haunting.