My speakers - weak link - proposals ?

My current setup is :

McCormack 0.5 amp Silver Edition
Modwright 9.0 SE Pre-amp
Rega Saturn CDP
Paradigm Studio 40 standmount speakers..
Kimber cables ..

Are my speakers holding me back from audio nirvana.....speaker suggestions would be welcome and appreciated...
If you have the proper room space (at least three feet to set the speakers out from the wall), try a pair of Magnepan 3.6's or the new 3.7's. Best speaker I have heard to date for the money.
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Yes, the paradigms are indeed holding you back. But we need to know your room dimensions and listening preferences before making recommendations.

Yes, the paradigms are indeed holding you back. But we need to know your room dimensions and listening preferences before making recommendations.


Add a price point to this list.

As the previous posts have requested, a lot more information is needed before anyone can accurately help you narrow your search. Auditioning the speakers with your system would of course the final step.

I would like to add too that I have Kimber cables throughout my system and enjoy them, but you should audition several cables as you tune your system. Kimber may work for you, or they may not. I believe the most important thing, however, is to work with a good audio shop. The guys at my shop let me take home about a half dozen different speaker cables (Kimber, Cardas, Audio Magic) as well as a bunch of interconnects. I got to keep them for a couple of weeks until found the combination that I liked best.