My Venture into Hifi with Vandersteen Model 1

First off I must truly say how much I love this form and the wealth of information, the members provide. I was lucky to pick up a pair of Vandersteen Model 1 Speakers for a prayer. Lets say they were almost given away. The aesthetics of the speakers are I would have to say about a 9, seems as though they were frozen in time. I do not know much about these particular speakers. My question to the knowledgeable members out there, are these speakers any good and are they worth giving a go! I was planning on using them with my McIntosh MC30 tube amps. I got these from my Step father, he no longer has any use for them and figured I would like them. I guess I will hang on to them for a while and see how the Vandersteen sound with them.

Any input will be well appreciated.


with respect, i have no idea what you talk about. He bought his speakers for a "prayer" which I assume is low price. He already has amp. Someone who has both speaker AND amp and is asking other people what they sound like instead of just putting them together and seeing himself is crazy. It is like I am man with sight who has picture and asks people who have not seen picture asking other people what it look like.

Adam18 is correct. Play equipment, listen, and learn to trust own ear.

Dhunte21: Personal I would not play 90db sensitive speaker with 30W amp, but then my room is very big. I learn more about speaker by buying "get better sound" by jeff smith and playing with placement than hours spent on this forum listening to armchair audiophile who claim to predict what equiment sound like and what you like without knowing anything about your space and not knowing you. If you wish to develop a brain in this hobby, you need to learn to trust your own ears.

I will say this -- anything below middle C, or if you are more generous, an octave below middle C, is combination of your speaker plus your room. Therefore, you cannot really say what any amp/speaker combo sound like in upper bass on down because it does not take room interaction into account. You have speakers so you can try this yourself and you will hear what I am saying
Zanon, I have a very big room also and I have played 90db speakers with 14 watts to louder than comfortable levels. It depends on the amp.
My Bad, I misread the VS1 impedance data, it does seem it would be easy to drive and should do fine with the MC30; I owned the 3A Sig which I would certainly not drive with the MC30 - so yes, it should work fine in terms of power and especially off a 4ohm tap should have no problem with bass -sorry for causing confusion on that point. I still say the VS1 is a good entry-level speaker and your amps are great and good enough for wherever you choose to take your system in the future - as long as your speakers don't need too much power.
The VS 1B was my first speaker which satisfied me for 15 years combined with a Denon integrated. I never thought about an upgrade. Then some audiophile "friend" came along and ruined me and my wallet:-) I still have the 1B's and they still sound great.
But your not selling the Alexandrias, right? Actually, I did get my brother into a pair of 1Cs with Rotel integrated and CD and he is perfectly happy with no intentions of becoming an audiophile or opening his wallet anymore, he already feels that what he spent is ridiculous. Vandersteen new his market well, and now with the 5s and 7s, he pretty much hits all the market segments across the line.