My VPI Scout has arrived

After finding a little rock encrusted on the side of the box, I started sweating.....

But VPI packs the TT's very well, and no damage whatsoever, but to the foam.

Its a breeze to setup, and mine was up to spec pretty quick.

I am very very happy with this TT,,,,,its just quite an eye opener how good these things sound...I do get a jolt of static after I remove about teh 3rd LP....Is a rubber mat the only solution?

Here are a couple of pics: First LP's played were Richard Thompson's This Old Kit Bag and Mock Tudor...
The cart is the Dynavector DV-X20...

a couple of pics:
Jsujo,nice pics ,ive had my scout for about a year and love it,plenty of upgrades available too,have fun!
Congrats on the new table. I am aspiring to one myself. I am going to go cheap on the table for a few months but get a good phono-pre and cartridge. Then step up to the VPI. My collection is growing and I need something quick to play it on.

Is VPI going to offer the 300 rpm motor on the Scout any time soon? Is it really much better?
The 300 rpm motor is standard on the Scoutmaster. I believe you can buy the motor alone and drop it in to the cutout on the Scout. It is a much quieter unit.
Droberts,,,I think that is a good idea to start with cheaper table but with good phono and cart,,,that way you will be absolutely certain of the sound upgrade that the table makes...

I really cant tell what percentage of the change is due to the table or the cartridge...I went from Grado Prestige Blue, to the Dyna.
Jsujo,what are you using for phono stage and interconnects with you scout,with my scout and acoustech ph1p discovery nos made a big improvement,,