Narrowing down to JM Reynaud or VMPS...Help

After researching bass-nondeficient speakers in the around $3K price range, I like what I'm hearing about the VMPS and Reynaud speakers.

I have a medium large room (20'X35'), am using all Cary solid state Home Theater gear with 200WPC on the amp. There aren't too many places around here to audition lots of different kinds of speakers (Louisville, KY), so I want to narrow down the choices and maybe even fly to another city if need be to check em out.

From what I've read, the VMPS might have an overall better sound, but the Reynaud's may have a better wife acceptance factor, and be easier to drive and maybe less fussy overall to deal with.

I'm probably looking for floorstanders given the size of the room, but don't want anything too huge - the wife just won't go for it.

Does anyone have any helpful experience/insights to consider between these two brands? I'm probably looking at the Tower II in the VMPS or the Countour, Evolution 3's or maybe even Tents.

Any feedback would be appreciated..
From what you've described above, get the JMR Trentes. It does all those things well. Like "Budrew" mentioned above, JMR speakers matches better with tube amps. I have the Trentes with Air Tight ATM-2 and it sounds awesome, very dynamic. In the past, I had an Audion tube amp with the Trentes and the combo was amazing!!!

I heard good things about the Taylo also, you should go check them out!
I should have mentioned that even though I'm using an all Cary system, it's also all solid state. Basically home theater seperates that also sound great with 2 channel audio.
I would look into the Trentes or the Evo 3s (basically a floor standing version of the Trentes). I can tell you that Bill Frissell sounds spectacular on the Trentes!
I'm a big fan of Reynaud speakers too...although they are certainly not represented well in the U.S. They have a "wide open" sound and they really sing with Class A and/or tube amps...
I've had my Trentes for about three years... With a 100w amp, they nicely fill an 18'x25' room, but at the size you describe, I'd bump up the ladder to the Offrandes (Reynaud's bigger monitor). The Offrande is very similar to the Trentes in sound, but "more so"...It can be a bit more forward, but your large room might require it...