Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams

Has anyone heard these before?
What are the problems with a line array?
Any problems with the crossover?
What kind of amplification to use?
Are the subs powered or passive?

I would say that there is a real size differential in the sub diameter, versus the midrange diameters, therefore a possible speed issue...however.
That, and they cross over at 60 Hz as I recall.
Was it a perfect blend, NO, but in my opinion, outboard subs are never as seemless as single unit loudspeakers.
With very careful movement, (parts of an inch) back and forth, one can time/phase the speakers into a very seemless sound.
Not everyone can do it at first, but if one carefully listens, experiments and is dilligent, the work will be worth the effort.
Johnathan Valin, who is a dillitante of the first order, had a love affair with the Pipedreams some years ago. I'm forgetting the actual text quotes, but it was as real as Sandra Bullock and Jesse James, and lasted longer, I'm thinking.

If you trust his ears, (I do some times) read the review and use it as a guide.

These speakers, when set up carefully, correctly, can be magic.

good listening,
Notice an unusual amount(4) for sale right now. At most, one set comes up every 9 months to a year.

Makes me wonder if dealers are closing out inventory.
I have always liked these speakers, snd agree with Larry that properly set up they indeed can be magic. I cannot hear the comb effect, the bass was outstanding, and the soundstaging and dynamics were superb. There was some talk that the crossover was a weakness in terms of its transparency, but I never really noticed it. I would have loved to own them, had I the money and a proper dedicated room for them in my house.

I too noticed all the different Pipedreams up for sale, and was curious about the biggest one, as it has a different subwoofer pictured (the ones I heard had the "depth charge" shaped subs, and one for each channel), with only one sub and no crossover pictured; I would ask about that before making an offer on that particular system.
It's funny--one sale inspires another, then another--so much so that it's feast or famine. People, and rightfully so are cautious when multiple 'anythings' appear for sale...I think its only happenstance.
The bulk of units, to my knowledge were sold from 1999 thru 2001 about a three year run. If that's the case, we're ten years down the road, the economy is slowly heating back up and some are looking to move up maybe.

They were well made--beautifully done cabinetry and NA employed really great QC.

I loved those speakers.

Lrsky, if I am not mistaken there is now limited production on some of the bigger Pipedream models.