Need feedback from Bryston amp owners

I'm thinking of buying the Bryston 3B SST amp. Does anyone have this amp or a comparable amp like the 4B SST? I heard they are strong in the low end (bass).
"unrefined top end" never thought of putting it that way, but that may give you more than my B rating: I agree with Tvad. The midrange is wonderful (maybe I was a little too critical B+), and just misses greatness. Still a honey of an amp in the right rig..
After using a 4B some time ago (and an ML335 in between)Bryston,in their new SST series,hes created (IMO)a truly
great amplifier.The old "unrefined" HF sound has been replaced w/ a crystal clarity just below sweet - while keeping their well known low frequency wallop.I use their
14BSST to power my VS VR-4HSE's with very good results.
Cannot imagine you being less than pleased w/the 3BSST
-assuming you have reasonably sensitive speakers.
I own a 4B ST; great value for money product. Great low end, good dynamics,neutral without being cold, built to last a life time, and a perfect match for my PMC speakers. However you need careful pre-amp pairing to smoothen out the upper mids/ lower highs.
What really sets Bryston apart however is the people behind it; their service sets a bench mark for other companies; send them an email and the VP will get back to you in a matter of a few hours; 24/7. The twenty year warranty is no joke; mine had a problem after being hooked to a speaker with loose wiring. They fully seviced the amp free of charge and shipped it back long distance as well.

Shortcomings: not the most refined upper mids/ lower highs, sound stage could have more depth. I belive the SST series corrects those faults though. Overall a highly recommended product.
FWIW, my comments above were made based on my SST series Brystom amps (4B SST and 14B SST).