Need help to find Solid State Amp for Dunlavy SCIV

Looking for amp to run dunlavy sc iv not a, up to 5000.00 for used one, other equipment is proceed pmdt dvd player,proceed pav and pdsd compo, Electraglide ultra khan and mini khan power cords, nirvana sx ltd interconnect and audience au24 speaker cable, right now I am using Sim audio W-5, 2002 model, which is 190 watt per channel,need some more bass, so need something with more power, I am thinking about, parasound monos, mark levinsion 336, krell fpb 600, open for all the suggestions, thanks Paul
thanks everybody for your opinion, I heard that from few friends before that 4a has lot more bass, so today I sold my speakers, Now i am going to look for 4a or anything equal to that. I would like suggestions if I go with 4a or I can get anything better in the same price range which is about 4000.00 thanks Paul
I agree with the Rowland suggestion try a pair of model 1's in mono or a model 5
If you like the sound of the dunlavys, stick with them. You really cant do much better for the money