Need help with Surround processor

Dear All...

Any similiar surround processor like Theta Casanova ? other brand I mean...

Thanks for your help
I love my Aragon Stage One. analog bypass was the most important feature. I can tell the difference on two channel material, which is very important to me. less noise, better channel separation, better frequency balance. the other features of the processing are nice too.
Thanks for all your response.. what I mean similiar is that I hear casanova is more live rather than lexicon... even on MC-8.., still confuse which one have similiar 'live' sound like casanova
Have had 568 in system since 01. Previous processors were Lexicon and Fosgate units .The 568 is far and away superior to either on both DSP modes and 2 channel in every respect.Meridian just seems to get digital right.....
Thanks for all your response.. I've got Casanova already and it's on the way... thanks a lot
I just bought the Outlaw PM-950, and I would honestly put it in with many in this group. It's just a shade less sweet than the casanova, but it's also under $800. I'm certainly not ashamed to pair it with a pass x5.