Need more info on the Electron Kinetics Eagle-7A

Hi all!
First let me explain that I am currently using a Perreaux 3150B amp in my system to power the woofer columns in my RS 1-B speaker system. I previously had a Perreaux 2150B amp and before that a Bryston 4B. With the help of you all and especially Sean (thanks Sean) I decided to get the Perreaux 3150B. I bought it used. When I hooked it up I got a hum (not audible when music is playing) through the right column. I was also, however, getting a funny noise (sounding like sneakers of a gym floor?)every once in a while and when I powered it up. I brought it in to AnalogiQue for repair but they found nothing wrong. By the way...with my Perreaux 2150B back in place I get dead silence. So I'm thinking the amp most go (maybe).

Someone has an Eagle 7-A amp for sale....I tried looking up reviews but could not. Anyone here have experience with it.

I would also welcome comments on the following amps I am considering:
Bryston 7B
Threshold Statis 500
Krell KRS 250
Rotel 1090

Thanks again all for your help and support!!!
Kana: That's a good suggestion about measuring the DC leakage. My brother did this after having problems with some speakers. What he found was that one amp was passing 3 volts of DC on one channel and 2.5 volts on the other. Luckily, this problem arose while he was running some junk speakers. Needless to say, that amp is out of the system until we can get it straightened out. 500 millivolts ( 1/2 a volt of DC ) is considered to be "acceptable" by most, but that is way high in my opinion. The amp that i gave my Brother to use measured less than .02 volts of DC on either channel.

As to the Perreaux's, the 2150's and 3150's are very similar amps ( cosmetically and in terms of basic circuitry ) that have very different sounds to them. I don't know anyone that has ever chosen a 2150 over a 3150 after hearing them side by side. Having said that, i run my 3150's strictly for woofers, as that is what they do best. Sean
Thanks Sean and Kana about the suggestion regarding DC leakage. However, don't you think the people that checked out the amp where I brought it would have checked it? Maybe not?!@?@!!!!

Anyway, I am a total incompitent when it comes to anything technical. offer still holds!!!! (LOL)
I am sorry for hogging this thread but I must report to you all of today....the hum and funny noises are GONE!! No, I have not done anything to the system or cables. It's just so weird?
SEAN, can you add any suggestions as to why it's gone (I hope for good). Do you think the amp has finally settled in??? I know it is still a week away from Halloween, but there many be spirits playing with my system.
Rwd: Hogging this thread ? It's YOUR thread !!! : )

As to your problem fixing itself, that is simple. Your 3150 overheard you discussing it being replaced, so it decided to straighten up and fly right. This is common practice for electronics when they are about about to be replaced or go in for service. I run into it all the time.

Quite honestly, i have NO idea why this stuff happens. It is possible that something else in your system or outside of your system was aggravating the situation. Something as simple as moving a cable, altering the quality of connections, etc... could have solved your problem. All i can say is that you should enjoy this while it lasts. It could be forever or you could be back to tracking it down tomorrow. Sean

All the great things mentioned about the Eagle 7A are true. If you are lucky enough to find and purchase one, you can get it modified to the latest upgrade standards by John Iverson's right hand man, Russell Sherwood at Electron Kinetic Service Center (EKSC). Not only does the power get boosted 440 X 2 into 8 ohms, but the sonic signature is one of accuracy, precision, PRAT, dynamics to die for and extreme clarity and control. It's an amplifier, after upgrads, that you will happily live forever with and never let go of. Email me if you want further info or just call Russell at EKSC. Here is the company's URL:

Eagle amps are alive and well, thank you!!!!!

Best Regards,