Need more outlets

I only have one accessible outlet. Can anyone recommend a quality power strip?

Portal Panache integrated amp
Marantz cd 5004
Wyred 4 Sound DAC1
Bellari phono amp
Rega p1 TT
Now that I've had it in my system for a few days (!) the Blue Circle 2x PLC Thingee is thingeeing along just fine. The blu-ray transfer of "Mud" is top notch to begin with but the picture just seems to pop a bit more. Even regular cable TV with all its different hues of standards seems better so I'll leave it as is for a week or so and then bypass the Thingee and plug it back into the BrickWall to see if there's any noticeable degradation.

I've only had a few days to get used to the Thingee on its own when the Cullen Cable Red Cooper PC arrived. It's an extremely well made 10AWG PC that I used instead of the supplied, generic PC that came with the Thingee. What I hear on my favorite CDs is more bloom, depth and detail on the bottom end, an overall easier to hear presentation and some really beautiful highs that can shimmer, tingle and decay nicely.

Piano now has that glass like quality with the upper registers and that slight, initital metallic effect of the notes hitting the strings blending with the notes themselves and the soundboard. I heard it with just the Thingee and can't really attribute it to the Cullen PC but the combo is like a blessing: they were made for each other.

I know, I'm just imagining all of this so just humor me and get a PLC Thingee and when you need a good PC, check out Cullen Cables offerings.

All the best,
Update: I ordered the Power box from Cullen. It really looks well built. 245.00 shipped. I do have one of his power cords that I use from a few years ago. It is well built as well. As an FYI, I emailed Blue Circle Audio and did not receive a response so money spent elsewhere.
Too bad Blue Circle didn't respond as they make a great Thingee. :-)
I got a response from them the next day. They must have been busy.
Patrick's Power Box should do nicely.

All the best,
I am also in need of an a power strip. Looks like the Cullen is exactly what I need. Cool!
Received my power box from Culllen. It is just what I wanted, Works very well in my system. Thanks for all the input.