Need speaker cable recommendations ...

Anyone have experience with speaker cables for Lexicon MC-1, EAD Powermaster and Dunlavy Aletha speakers. The usage will be 50/50 HT/music. I am happy to buy used, and would prefer to limit the cost to no more than $500. I need 10 ft length. Some threads suggest simply going to Home Depot or Radio Shack. Kimber Kable 8-TC seems to pop up on many threads. I am bleary-eyed from reading the Dunlavy "Cable Nonsense" threads and see points on both sides regarding the Z-6. I understand the final decision is personal preference, I'd simply like to know if others have gone down a similar path and where they ended up. Thanks.
newtohifi You get a 45 day return policy with their cables. Their cables would be the ones I would recommened even if you had posted a $1000 limit.
DH Labs Q10 / external biwire / I like spades better than RCA / $50.00 per ft pair and sells for 20% off the retail price and will have DH LAbs terminate how you want and will drop ship.
Also look into their air matrix interconnects
Check out the reviews at
Try working with the Cable Company - They provide recommendations based on feedback from other customers, and they also provide loaners for in-home demos.
Audio Advisor has Audioquest Slate and I paid 98.00 for 12 ft run. 30 day trial and they are close to my 1000 MIT 750
I would second the idea that you use a source which allows for trial and return. Get a buddy to switch them back and forth and determine whether you really hear a difference. There is a LOT of snake oil here, my friend. Charlie.