Need suggestions for streaming files to my stereo

Hello everyone. I'm looking for a way to stream files (AAC, ALAC, FLAC) to my home stereo. The files are on my PC laptop, or on iTunes on my iPhone etc. I pretty much exhausted my budget on my power amp and speakers so Im looking for the best budget pieces I can afford to get the music flowing for now. I currently have Kef ks50s, a Red Dragon S500, a SMSL Sanskrit, and a Google Chromecast Audio.   I'll likely pick up a Schiit SYS preamp. 

With this current setup I can only pretty much stream Pamdora, since Itunes won't work with the CCA.   It's looking like the lowest cost option available is to use different software to handle the music files such as JRiver, or PowerDVD Ultra, but I'm unsure if this is the best way?  Any other ideas, software, hardware etc?  I have an insanely low budget of around $200 left to buy the rest, let's see what you guys can think of. 
I would rather delete the posts than loose your valuable input on the OP’s topic, Erik, so I have done that. Sorry for the diversion. Please carry on sir.

Another option around your budget is a device based on Play-fi.  I occasionally see the Definitive Tech or Polk Play-fi devices on eBay for $150-$250.  Sometimes a Paradigm unit pops up in that price range.  Play-fi supports 24/192.  Also, it has dual-band WiFi for all those people above.  I have two Def Tech W-Amps driving my Living Room and Dining Room.  Play-Fi supports DNLA, so it should see the media on any shared directories on your network.The App has come a long way and matured nicely.  

If you could stretch your budget, then +1 on Auralic Aries Mini.  The Mini is a self contained solution; stick a 512GB SSD in it and it's both Player and Server.  

Again, if you can stretch your Budget, then +1 on Bluesound Node 2.  I've seen them come up on Ebay for $350 new.  The Node supports 24/192 and MQA.  
I use an iFi iOne. I now have a bed room system composed of a 3rd gen iPad a set of Voice Box Axiss speakers and a home brew amplifier. Awesome sound over a Bluetooth link. I plan to add more iOnes as it allows me a very easy way to link my Bluetooth devices. It can feed a dac via spdif or one can use the analog outs. It also can be fed from a computer via USB. It does more than I care to type right now. Check out the ifi site. All for about two hundred bucks.
Check out Raspberry Pi with Kodi software as your main audio/video library manager. Cheap, easy to use and you can use BubbleUPNP to cast music to your Chromecast. I have Chromecast Audio connected to all amps in my house and use phone to cast music from library stored on my NAS box to any amp in the house. Pretty inexpensive Sonos alternative.
Apple TV is the way to go!  Especially on a budget, it will work great with iTunes and your iphone and gives you more options in regard to the streaming world of apps and entertainment.   Bluesound is too expensive and can be a real pain to use with iTunes. I also found that $500.00 should bring more quality and it simply does not.   

One thing of note is that you must have itunes open to access your iTunes library.  Anything on your phone will play anytime without your library being open.  The quality is very good.  You can't hook up an external hard drive to Appletv it won't access your music files.  

We love the appletv but we only really use it to stream music from our iTunes library.  We paid $80.00 plus tax so not bad.