Need to Downsize: Small Speaker Recommendation

Hi all,

I've had the Thiel 6's for many years and love them but moving to a much smaller space and they are just too big Have them paired with the Sonic Frontier 3 monoblocks and a Conrad Johsnson tube pre-amp. I've traded up in the Thiel line over 30 years so really love their sound (could do with a bit more bottom end but love the sound overall so i have stuck with them). So, looking for recommendations for small (even bookshelf) speakers. I realize i may have to get rid of the amps as well but for now want to start by identifying a pair of speakers i can live with.

Thanks in advance for any and all recommendations.
Since you are accustomed to time-coherent speakers, you should consider monitor speakers from Green Mountain Audio.
Green mountain would be a terrible choice.

PMC twenty.21 or twenty.22
Dynaudio Focus 160
Harbeth compact 7
Proac D2

Any of these will give superb results.

check out B&W 805D. Will be a nice match for your CJ pre-amp.
Otherwise, Dynaudio C1 or CII signature will be a sonic match for your Cardas cables. Keep us posted. Happy Listening!