Need your help finding a pair of speakers.........

Hello all,
I just sold a pair of AndraII's. Everthing is packed and ready for my helper to pick-up for shipping on Tuesday 12/27/2006. I have a budget of $20K-30K. Can you please give me some recommendations based on experience? It took me a long time and a lot of money to find the Andra's but my curiosity got the best of me so here i am looking for new stuffs. I would like to keep my electronics (conrad/johnson top-of-the-line). For the last 5 years, I have not kept anything for more than a year. This time, i would like to buy a pair of speakers that I can keep for a long time. If needed I will expand my budget but prefer not. No WILSON please, I have tried and they are not for me.
Thanks for your time,
Vandersteen 5As would be the strongest candidate others are Intuitive Design these will be hard to audition but would be worth the effort especially if your about to spend 20 to 30 grand. And Green Mountain Audio C3s. I am sure the Conrad gear will be great with any of the above. I hope you will keep us posted as you audition and make a decision. That is a big decision.
EgglestonWorks Savoys. Please put 50 hours on them, and then give me a call when they're ready to ship. :-)
Boa2, S7Horton, am I missing something? The 50 hours listening time you guys mentioned: Where o where does that come from?
Gina, getting back to you for a moment. If the 50 hours of breaking in time is the deal, I agree: call off the sale. You have a pair of speakers that I cannot imagine aren't delivering you the goods. Please give us more to go on...we'll be
Call Roy Johnson at Green Mountain Audio and your search will be over. It's that easy, Gina.
I suggest get away from the slllllooooow and lazy dynamic speakers. Try some of the planars (Soundlabs, Maggies, Apogees, etc). You are in for big surprise. You need big room though.