New David Gilmour record:any feedback?

I know the new record is out already and i'm looking for any feedback on it.Does it have the dreamy quality ti it and those trademark Gilmour solos on it?I am kinda suspicius of special guests like Willie Nelson and David Crosby.Thanks for your replies.
Odd man out-but I didn't think it was anything to write home about. Great to hear from him again after 22 years but just not my cup of tea this time around. I bought both of his other solo records when they were released & really enjoyed them. maybe next time...
I agree Pehare, I was disappointed, recording wasn't that great either but I'll give it another shot...
I don't think I disagree with anything you've wrote there.

Perhaps what I was trying to say that your observations whilst correct only take in a certain aspect on how Waters writing worked and in comparison to Gilmour's lyrics (and his wifes)they are clearly on another level.

For me Floyd's magic works on several levels and I don't see Waters writing as pessimistic at all, merely true.

I like the mood of Gilmour's album by the way.
While I enjoy certain aspects of this new album (and I'm a big Floyd fan BTW - pre AND post Waters) it is a little too mellow for me. It's like a qualude with a shot of brandy. Perhaps some of you have heard this record multiple times because you fell asleep half-way through and had to hear it again to remeber it? :-)

Seriously, in the right time, place and frame of mind it is an enjoyable CD. Not one you'll be spinning at your next party though!
I listened to this after I bought this weekend. I was disappointed, too somber. I followed up listening to Donald Fagen's Morph The Cat - this was much more my liking.