New format players the future?

Ok some questions on the future of the new digital formats (DVDA/SACD) players for you Audiogon people with technical know-how and a degree in predictions.

1.Multi-format players are starting to arrive,Pioneer have one out,is it possible to make a machine that can excell in all formats or will it always be a compromise situation?

2.Will the quality of the new format machines improve as time goes on?
Or if there is mass market success will they actually decrease?

3.Is there the possibilty then the quality of both standard CD discs and CD replay will decrease due to the new formats?
To further confuse this thread : How do these new format players perform as transports for redbook cd's? I ask this as I know BC has a collection of hot rodded dac gear.
Lorne, I read your comments above and agree with your feelings on SACD to a degree. I'm very confused by your comments on DVD. From the final few paragraphs I either mis-understood or your confusing DVD-V and DVD-A. A Pioneer DVD player that also plays redbook and SACD is only a DVD-V player. DVD-A is a different format that is only able to be played back on a DVD-A player. There are less than 100 titles out on DVD-A, are you sure you ment to include DVD-A? or was it DVD as we've known it for years you were talking about?

This is the exact reason I feel DVD-A is doomed, the confusion is constant. SACD is new we all understand that. DVD, DVD-V, DVD-A what next DVD-VD? This would be a sextually transmitted illness contracted between HT and audio people.
Hi JD (good to see U!) -- SACD's challenge is that DVD-V+SACD+Redbook players prevail as standard (my opinion). Otherwise, how can the (mass) marketplace sustain the presently confusing plethora of multi-players. In the interim, good redbook playback coupled with SACD is a viable option for music(audio)-philes -- Lorne has many a (similar) point there...

Mcdonjil: I heard Lorne's 777 (unmodded, purportedly broken in, from Sony) playing redbook into a Burmester system. Bouncy, dynamic sound; tonality was better to my ears on jazz/blues than classical. This is a sound I have associated with the few Sony trans's I have experienced -- but remember the Burmesters in the queue (cable was valhalla).
