New Krell s300i vs. the older 400/300

I see that Krell has snuck in a replacement for the 400xi.
I know that there has always been debates over these
int amps.

Nothing on the Krell website yet. I have seen the specs and it looks like a good product. I have used a 400xi before and really liked it. My only complaint that it seemed hard to get the right sound at lower listening levels. No problem when you wanted to crank it up. I used different speakers.

Just curious if any Agoner's have used the new int amp.
Maybe I may look at the older 300xi. It seems that this is the sleeper.

Any opinions on the two different 300's from Krell would be helpful.
First of all, the transformer is the same at 750VA (there was some rounding off of values in some of the earlier Krell literature, but it has always been 750VA). The internal layout is a virtual dual mono design, with each channel seperated with dedicated heat sinks and localised power supplies (large caps)..I believe it's two per channel. The preamp stage is an evolution based class A design, not just an overglorified volume attenuater like before. The wiring is much more substantial as well. The power delivery noted in the HiFiNews article indicates a far more capable integrated amp vs it's predecessor. Call Krell for more insight
What would be a good price on the new Krell 300i unit, or are they going for close to list?
I love my 400Xi.
Bought it new in the box for 1600.00 a month ago.
After prolonged listening, I decided to sell the S300i and buy one of the last 400xi's for sale. The 400xi is warmer and more musical overall. The S300i was just a bit too cool and forward for my tastes.
Interesting results Dave. I was a bit surprised when I read you sold the 400 for the 300 because, as I recall, you sold an evo rig for the 400 and the 300 is supposed to be more like the evo gear, from what I read.
