New Orleans high end stores?

Gonna be in New Orleans in June. Anyone here know of a high end store there where I can check out a new amp? Thx
Jafant, Hi, I have a Brand new completly refurbished and modded Krell 700 cx amp that I bought at sound ideas through E-bay that is in Gainsville,FL, Krell just did the whole deal to my amp, the complete modds and renewl recently, I have a pair of JBL L-7 vintage 4-way Bi-amp 91 sensativity 6ohm speakers I bought from an individual here in mobile, I currently just bought another Vincent tube/solid state hybred cd-s7 cd-player from audio advisor that is better Than the Ayon cd-2s player I got rid of, the spinner is going to go on a second system I will build later when I get a world class cd spinner for main system, I have a pair of Tara Labs Zero Gold analog interconnects with HFX grounding station I bought here used on audiogon from Hanson Audio in Ohio, Then I got a pair of Tara Labs Omega Gold 6ft speaker cables I bought direct from Tara Labs, and I have The Tara Labs Omega 10" jumpers for bi-amping direct from Tara Labs, And I also have in the closet ready for second system, bought directly from Tara Labs, The one interconnect and the one 6ft speaker cables, I run my digital direct to my amp, I also Have the Tara Labs Cobalt power cord with oyaide terminations I bought used here on audiogon on the cd-player, I'm in the proccess of doing much more, oh, I have the still points ss footers and Poly crystal footers I bought used here on audiogon, cheers.

I found the sales sheet for Jeff Crigler's MCM line. Where on the site can I post the pics? Post your email and I'll send it direct.
can you create a link? most people can here on the thread, just put the pics on the link.
Thank You! Audiolabyrinth.
you have some very nice gear. I am still working on getting you that info- I will need additional time.
Happy Listening!
Jafant, Thankyou for the kind words, on the info, no problem, E-mail me or post, cheers.