New Turntable: Teres, Nottingham, Origin?

I've been leaning 3 different ways, if not more, in my quest to upgrade my analogue front end. I've read many threads here and searched out reviews, and I've narrowed it down to these 3--I think: the Teres 245 (or 255), the Nottingham Spacedeck, or the Origin Live Resolution. I would probably stay with the space arm for the Spacedeck, and the Origin Live or Encounter tonearm for the Teres and Origin. I'd love to mount the Shelter 501 as the cartridge, but I don't have the output on my phono stage (the Audion Premier).

Currently I have the MMF7 TT, which was by initial step back into vinyl. Although it was great for several months, and some records sound better than I've ever heard them, I can't help thinking about what I'm still missing. I know there are a lot of Teres fans out there, and I've really enjoyed following your passionate support for the TT. So please continue; I'd like to hear from you as well as anyone who has any advice, comments, suggestions to help me decide. How do the Origin Live and Spacedeck supporters feel?

I have a pretty good system, with Audio Note Quest Silver monoblocs, AN M2 Signature Pre, Zingali Overture 4 speakers, and Audion Premier Phono Stage.

Thanks, Bill
I love Origin Live. The design is very compact and the table produces both fine musicality and a wonderful combination of punch and detail. It's a table that makes me forget to listen critically. I'm not suggesting there aren't other fine tables, but Origin Live seems to really home in on the music.
Dear Bill: I'm only a music fan.
I think that the best you can do is to go for.

Acoustic Signature Final Tool, Moerch DP-6 with a Sumiko Celebration cartridge ( if you already have the 501 it will be fine with the Moerch tonearm ). This analog front end is very hard to beat and certainly not for any of your three choices.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul, How would characterize the sound of the Celebration as compared to a Benz? I am considering both the Celebration and a Benz Woodbody L2 to be used in my DP-6 with a 12" Red armwand. I have been using a Glider M2 which I really like, and that has me leaning towards the Benz. I also have a 103R which is not fully broken in yet, but so far I am only lukewarm on its sound. Thanks in advance for your comments.
FWIW, somewhere in the archives there's a discussion of a dealer-hosted TT shootout. This was two years ago or so. The dealer moved the same arm/cartridge (OL Illustrious + Shelter?) from table to table. A dozen or so listeners agreed to the following results:

1st/2nd: tie between Nott' Hyperspace/Teres 255
3rd: Nott' Spacedeck
4th: Basis (lower priced model than Spacedeck, so no surprise)
5th: Clearaudio (similar priced model to Basis)

Both then and now the 255 was priced $1,000 below the Hyperspace, making it a clear winner for price/performance.

I'm sure the OL's are nice tables, but the Resolution's plinth, armboard and platter make it unlikely that it would keep up with any Teres model. I'd also expect Raul's favorite, the Acoustic Signature Final Tool, to outplay it. Teres gave up on their all-acrylic line quite a while ago. The sonics simply didn't justify the price point. Even the 245's unweighted platter masses nearly as much as the entire OL table. IMO there's just not enough there there.