Newbie with some turntable, cable, pre-amp, and speaker questions.

I am very new to "higher end" audio equipment and I have a few questions for the professionals. I thought I bought a decent used system until I saw a pair of $25k speaker for sale on one of the pages here. By no means did I think I purchased anything "amazing" but those speakers were certainly a reality check! lol :) Wood cones?!

I’ve always wanted a nice sound system for my house, nothing crazy, but something I can play pretty loud and not distort the speakers.
I ended up buying a used H/K AVR 7300 and some Polk LSi 15s, Center, and a RSW 400. Paid $675 for the lot and I’m pretty happy with what I got.
I definitely need to complete the surround and would like to find at least a set of F/X’s and possibly 7’s to finish it off.

This system is probably substandard to most, but for a newbie with my 1st decent sound system...I am absolutely elated with the sound I am getting out of what I have. I’m not sure I want to even listen to a very high end system as I’d like to enjoy what I can actually afford!

I have a few questions about some items I received with the lot and some accessries I am looking for.
I would like to add a turntable to the system, and would like to get some opinions on H/K models that would be best to match up with what I have. I don’t need anything super high end, but don’t mind keeping my eye out for the best possible one to grab either. I’ve also been told I’ll need a pre-amp if I want to add a TT...not sure why, but if this is accurate, I’ll need some advice there as well.
Also, the system came with Monster cables but the ends are cracked and are now useless. Does anyone know if they honor their LT Warranty to 2nd owners?

Finally, if anyone has a pair of LSi F/X’s...I am looking to buy a pair immediately. I’m located in North Western NJ.
Thank you all in advance for any info you can pass along. It is much appreciated.
Thank you for the response.
What about speakers for that particular setup you mentioned? I will certainly keep my eyes out for those components and perhaps start to build a "music only" setup.

That said, I'm not at all unhappy with the H/K receiver for my HTS, so I don't mind simply adding to that at this point.
I currently do have it hooked up to the TV and I do plan on getting a much nicer DVD player as opposed to just a CD unit.
I also have a laptop connected for streaming as well. 
I enjoy listening to vinyl, so a TT is a must for me. That's just a personal preference.

Thank you again for the feedback.
So basically your are looking for speakers to finish your 7.1 surround system, and wishing to add a TT as an alternate source.

Given you are happy with the system as is, continue to look for those speakers that match well with the L,R and center ones you have. 

Regarding setting up your vinyl source, you likely need a phonostage (pre-preamp) as most AVR lack one internally. What is your budget for this?
I'd prefer something of decent quality but wouldn't even know where to begin with budget. If you can recommend something realistic I will keep my eyes open and wait until I find a good deal on one. Is sticking with an H/K unit a bad idea? $500 range maybe?

You are correct, I'd like to finish off the 7.1 system and I like the Polk LSi  speakers I have.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I want to get the 1000w sub for that set though. The one I have is underpowered.

That said, I wouldn't mind building a system specifically for music though. I can certainly keep my eyes out for nice components in the meantime.
How do you currently listen to vinyl?  Unless the TT you have has a built-in phono pre-amp aka phono stage, you will need a separate one to plug in to any of the line level RCA inputs on your AVR.  Looking under pre-amplifiers>phono on this site, you can specify a $ range and see what is available.  Just for giggles, I searched in the $200-$500 range and came up with 6 or 7 units, new and used, neglecting some step-up transformers and so-called tweaks.  You will need to decide if you want to stick with what's called a moving magnet aka MM cartridge (generally lower cost) or get a phono stage that is moving coil aka MC capable.  Some of those available accept both, but not all. 
Take the comment by roberjerman with a grain of salt, he obviously has a bone to pick, analogue can be quite rewarding when set up well so bear that in mind as you are setting your system up. Good luck and have fun and absolutely enjoy the music.