No mention of Carroll Shelby passing?

I must admit while cruising another audio site I came across Shelby's passing.

I must be under a rock.

Searched here for what others had to say but found nothing.

I figured with discussion of best cigars, liquors, cars there would be some mention. Certainly an American automotive icon.

His contributions to the automotive world will be missed. Condolences to his family.
I must admit I dodn't expect to see him mentioned here as he had no audio connection. However, he was an icon in the performance segment of the auto/racing industry. His vison and ability to respond to the performance market was unmatched by anyone that comes to mind. The AC Bristol Cobra is a long time dream car of mine and his legacy for sure. I will always remember the Playboy article "Charmed by a Snake" (which may be the only article I really did read)as a inspiration for the recurring dream of owning one of these beasts of the road. He will surely be missed and a point of reference in the years to come whenever high performance is mentioned. But as far as music goes, the sound of side pipes on 427 SOHC at full acceleration is an orchestration of a spine tingleing harmony I dearly love. And also my sympathies to the Shelby family and the auto industry.
Usually no mention here unless they have some ties to music. There is no general or water cooler forum here.

That is why there was no mention of Eugene Polley's passing on May 22 2012. Polley was the inventor of the remote control in 1955. I think we are all in debt to his contributions to some extent.
Jmcgrogan2 - In that case, can we then please do away with even the occasional nonsense post such as "What does the typical audiophile drive?" or "What what time does the typical audiophile wear?"

Can't argue that motor racing news should be expected here but to Theo's point about Carroll Shelby, I hve to agree. The sound of one of his creations at full throttle is definitely a kind of wild music.
05-27-12: Jmcgrogan2

Definitely understand your point. Just felt like mentioning someone that has always interested me. I think Polleys passing deserves mention too. After all without the remote we couldn't have developed those midriff curves!!!! :)


Share your love of the 427 SC! Was there ever a better looking car? However I find a '67 or '68 GT350 just as tantalizing.

Ghost house
Undoubtably music to some folks ears!


As we age and more and more people each of us thought in some was was a significant person, the RIps and eulogies will pile up.
I am not one for commmenting on the dead much.
Nor do i see any need to do so on audio sites for non audio famous folks..
The place would become filled with death notices.
A person dies every half second....
So I say please keep the non audio dead OFF the audio pages.
Even the audio related dead take up to much bandwidth.
And yeah when i croak. forget me. thanks.
Ghosthouse, I'd like to abolish the word 'best' from these forums forever. Every frickin' day someone is asking "what is the best dac?" "What is the best power cord?" "What is the best amp?"

There is NO BEST!!! There, I said it, now I feel better.

Elizabeth who???????
I admire anyone who was an innovator/pioneer in their field, whether their field was audio or any other, and Carroll Shelby certainly fits that definition. When able, I've driven sports cars since I was 23 (my first Fiat X1/9) including my current Honda S2000, and my autos have given me as much pleasure as my audio equipment. Carroll Shelby was a visionary, and thus should be afforded a position equal to Henry Kloss or any of our audio heroes. We all benefit from advancement of our chosen arenas of interest. We are blessed to follow in the footsteps of giants.

Not being into cigars, liquor, or cars, I would have more expected someone to note the passing of Owsley "Bear" Stanley last March on this site than some car guy. (Yes, I know who he was.)

Being interested in audio equipment or music doesn't necessarily relate to your or my other interests.
jmc - I'm with you on "the best" but "typical" is the word that really makes me crazy (not that I need that much help).
Thank you for initiating this post, Corazon. Personally, I appreciate a bit of conversation here that transcends audio.

Since I was a kid, the cars Shelby put his hands always stirred me. He had the unique gift of ratcheting up both the aesthetic and performance of the machines that carried his name. Carroll took that responsibility VERY seriously. I remember reading an interview in one of the car magazines in the mid-1980s regarding the Shelby Dodge products. It was obvious he wasn't just collecting a check, but was putting a lot of himself into product that would be otherwise underserving.

Over the past few years, his returning to Ford in the way he did brought a lot of joy to my heart. Carroll Shelby was not simply a figurehead, but involved in things in a big way; he was back home.

Coincidentally, I'm off to the annual Ford get together in Carlisle, PA today. For sentimental reasons, I guess I'll spend a bit more time with the Shelbys this year.
Carroll was the ultimate hot-rodder IMO, as his efforts were available to the public.
A true one-off legacy, never to be equaled or repeated.
Slikric, Sure, his big hit was "Vroooooom". Look for it at your local Ford dealer.
06-02-12: Trelja

You're welcome.

This site is home to brilliant, invigorating, thought provoking, entertaining and often humorous discussion of all things audio on the web. And should mostly be concerned with such.

Since many of us grew up during his heyday I thought a mention was in order. The man was unique. Who else could have beat Ferrari 1, 2, 3 at Le Mans!?

If he was an audio designer my guess is he'd be up there with the best of yesterday and today!

Isochronism, Slikric,

Excellent responses! Great examples of witty entertainment!

Often I am blown away by the high quality intelligent discussion on this site having the greatest respect for all.


There's more than enough CS coverage to warrant purchase the current issue of Motor Trend.
This site is not an open obituary list to every person who ever lived. If it's not audio related, it doesn't belong here.