Norah Jones?

Like probably many other A-Gon members I'm a sucker for great female voices. Of course being recorded well is a priority to feed my audiophile addiction. When I read threads recommending great female voices and recordings I rarely see anyone mentioning Norah Jones. I happen to think her music is excellent and very well recorded. I'm just wondering what the audiophile community thinks of her. With that said please keep the music tips coming. I have picked up alot of great cd's due to suggestions from this forum.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkrelldog
OK, Warren.

If she were to heed your advice, I might warm up to her. I never really thought of her in CFMs, but that could change my opinion entirely. She is pretty. Spikes and fishnets might propel her into sexy.

Just don't mention Ravi Shankar around her.

That's the whole point. Norah is pretty. And if she looked like Cameron Mannheim, she'd still be singing Monday nights in the local bar. That special something, the sweetness, the nice energy, even my neighbor Lupe has that. Gorgeous, too!

It rings so false when Norah Jones (and others) say things like, "I never meant for this to get so big." Then stay at home, girlfriend. Maybe then I'd like you as much as I like Lupe.
Thanks for all the reply's. Even though I don't agree with many of them. Personally I think her music is very soothing. I'm not going to listen to it on my way to the pub on Friday night,but it sounds great in more laid back settings. I also stand firm on the recording quality. Her music sounds incredible on my system. I am amazed at how many people literally bash/attack her credibility as a musician and vocalist. These same people can't praise the likes of Holly Cole,Jane Monheit,Jennifer Warnes,Diana Krall,Patricia Barber(etc.)enough. I'm not here to bash anyone. Were all entitled to our opinions and tastes. I just find it odd that on this forum in particular where most people are very open minded to others music tastes. (This is how we get exposed to new material we probably wouldn't run across normally)-BUT mention Norah Jones name and even the esteemed elders of the Audigon Community are ready for a public hanging(practically) Mix this in with the fact that this young lady sold 20 million copies of her first album,and factor in it certainly didn't get alot of airplay. The first song might have,but the rest really didn't. She's also very humble,respectful,and very attractive. I've just always wondered why there is so much negativity towards her. Thanks for reading and as always I appreciate your views and opinions and keep the music tips coming my way.
I really enjoy listening to her music. I actually think I like her follwup album more than I like her first album. The last two tracks on her second album are fabulous. All that matters is what you enjoy listening to. My girlfriend thinks I am crazy for listening to Norah Jones but I don't worry about what others think about my taste in music.
I like Norah Jones music. Her music has it's place...quiet evenings or mellow hours. She shows her talent and that she can let emotion into her voice when she sings with Ray Charles. She also showed greater potential with the Peter Malick group. I look forward to her next cd. BTW, I find the quality of her recordings (redbook) to be excellent - the recording is not compressed.

I do find statements such as "She's probably even worse in the sack!" (see above) to be out of line and not very helpful.
