Nordost Cables

I have recently changed over my amps from a valve set up to chip amps and need a new Interconnect. I currently have an Audionote IC and it leaves the sound a little too bright especially on bad CDs. I have borrowed a Nordost Frey and like what it does, although the blue Heaven lost too much detail in comparison. Unfortunately I can't afford a new wiring loom or a $1,000 IC at the moment.

Anyone any experience of the Heimdall or Baldur and will they give me something similar ? Would the SPM do the same magic as they appear used at lower costs?
From my experience over the last few years I find the SPM IC I have dark, can I say suppressive? I use it on CDs that I find much too aggressive/bright. I feel the SPM IC filters out alot of "noise"? Part of the situation here is that listening to the Vallahas has change my perspective of cable performance.

The Vallahas are in another league. Very clear maybe too clean; seem to be a bit too much on some guitar pieces at the very high notes. And aging hearing is not helping. Very good on classical pieces. The SPM and Vallaha do not work well together in my experience.

I can add that a pair of Black Knight ICs from the mid 1990s has been very relaxing and one that I am keeping. Not the greatest detail.
Thanks guys. It looks as though it would be worthwile getting a Heimdall IC in to ensure I can live with it and should not lose too much; apart from costs.
Hello audiogon members.
I'm going to buy Nordost speaker cables.With my budget I'm between Blue Haven and Red Dawn.If you see specifications for this cables , the different between RD and BH it only 10 (!) mocrons extruded silver over same 99.99999%OFC. But if you looking the price, Red Dawn almost 2,5 (!!!) time more expensive.According to the Nordost website, both cables in same category "Better", between "Goob" and "Best".
My question: It is realy worth it to pay for Red Dawn versus Blue Haven .Looking forward for your opinions.

I thought it was worth the difference, although I don't use Nordost cables anymore. The Red Dawns were more detailed and worked well on my digital gear. Also, as to price, look around as Nordost cables are pretty well discounted. I only paid about $50 more for my Red Dawns than I did my Blue Heavens.