Now I know what they mean by a bright cable.

Have an Integra Research RDC-7 pre amp with balanced outputs. When I first got it I used Better Cables XLR balanced for my front two channels and it sounded great. However I fell in love with a DH Labs Air Matrix ad and swapped them out. Long story short the DH Labs in my system is so bright, the music sounds unnatural and definetly causes listerner fatigue. I swapped back the better cables and the difference is unmistakeable. Perhaps the DH Labs might be good on tube equipment but wow it sounded like nails on a blackboard on mine. What causes a cable to sound so bright? Is is silver vs copper?
A brighter, more revealing cable is never a good match with a brighter, more revealing component. This is not to say that your Integra is "bright", only that one needs to pay attention when matching cables and components. One can typically tame most brightness in a cable by "burning" the cable on a decent "cable burner". The brightness and other fatiguing qualities are drastically diminished. You are left with the ability to transfer more detail in a much smoother and more pleasing manner. Sean

PS... Yes, some cables are "ear bleeders"...
I have DH Labs speaker cable and am very happy.

How much time did the Air Matrix have (playing time) in your system, prior to removing it?

With the DH speaker cable, I noticed a significant change as they broke in.
Darryl; You just got good lessons in: 1. listening skills, and 2. system synergy-- congratulations!-- been there myself;>) Cheers. Craig
Most Silver wire cables need quite a long break in to sound as intended.
Put the cables in play mode on CD Player continuos for 2-4 weeks, then listen.
I am sure they will sound better.
But,in the end each System is different and the cable may end up being too "bright" with your equipment.
Again, give it time to break in before deciding.